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Thread: Boat Ramp - Muriel Henchmen Drive The Southport Spit

  1. #1

    Smile Boat Ramp - Muriel Henchmen Drive The Southport Spit


    Just wondering if anyone can tell me if the boat ramp behind Seaworld there near Marine Stadium (Muriel Henchmen Drv The Spit) has a tap that I could connect a hose to, to wash my trailer down after I launch?

    I am planning on launching, and heading over to South Straddie for a few days... I just dont want to let the salt water dry on the trailer and bake in the sun for 3 days - I would feel much better if I could give it a wash down with fresh water.

    Is anyone familiar with a tap I could connect my hose to, to do this at this facility?

    Many thanks,


  2. #2

    Re: Boat Ramp - Muriel Henchmen Drive The Southport Spit

    There used to be, but I'm pretty sure it's been locked up.
    Checkout Rinsekit available at Autobahn.
    fruit salad is the new Bacon

  3. #3

    Re: Boat Ramp - Muriel Henchmen Drive The Southport Spit

    another option -
    Attachment 111805
    Kids who Hunt and Fish, Don't Deal and Steal.

  4. #4

    Re: Boat Ramp - Muriel Henchmen Drive The Southport Spit

    Quote Originally Posted by Triple View Post
    another option -
    Attachment 111805
    Hey Triple - thanks mate for your time to respond - but link wont work??

    Brad :-)

  5. #5

    Re: Boat Ramp - Muriel Henchmen Drive The Southport Spit

    Quote Originally Posted by FisHard View Post
    There used to be, but I'm pretty sure it's been locked up.
    Checkout Rinsekit available at Autobahn.
    Thanks mate..

    What a pain in the bum - being locked up... I had a search around on GCCC web site for boat ramps - says ""wash off" facility - but not sure what that means exactly.

    That rinse kit is a good idea - I have a shower with portable pump from BCF - was going to use that as last resort....

    Brad :-)

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