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Thread: Gigantic Freshwater Eel In Brisbane River

  1. #1

    Gigantic Freshwater Eel In Brisbane River

    So I went on a bit of a kayaking mission in the Brisbane a while back. I could only manage the one rod due to all the gear we took, and I used some chicken breast for bait. The eels that we took were gigantic! In the upper reaches where not many people fish, they got huge. This is the biggest one that was taken. Wack her in HD and enjoy. It's a fairly long fight so if you just wanna see the fish, skip to around the 9:00 mark.

  2. #2

    Re: Gigantic Freshwater Eel In Brisbane River

    let it go back to its mumma .....its only a baby ...

  3. #3

    Re: Gigantic Freshwater Eel In Brisbane River

    it is only 1/2 grown fellas.

  4. #4

    Re: Gigantic Freshwater Eel In Brisbane River

    chuck it back out as shark bait
    what a sad sad AB

  5. #5

    Re: Gigantic Freshwater Eel In Brisbane River

    Strewth, 9 minutes before you get a looksee? Don't have a picture or a still from the video do ya?
    I go troppo watching a video any longer than 15 seconds! (Unless it involves boobs!)

  6. #6

    Re: Gigantic Freshwater Eel In Brisbane River

    Quote Originally Posted by Feral View Post
    I go troppo watching a video any longer than 15 seconds! (Unless it involves boobs!)

    and then it only lasts you 10 seconds...

  7. #7

    Re: Gigantic Freshwater Eel In Brisbane River

    Quote Originally Posted by SummerTrance View Post
    and then it only lasts you 10 seconds...


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