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Thread: Why $230 Solenoid for Anchor winch, When a $48, 200 Amp Switch will do the Job?......

  1. #1

    Why $230 Solenoid for Anchor winch, When a $48, 200 Amp Switch will do the Job?......

    Saw this Switch with Up/Down at a Major Marine Parts Shop yesterday, you would also need a X0Amp circuit breaker that could also be used as a safety switch, ie turn off when the winch is not in use.

    Not suggesting that any one should use this setup, and my winch has a solenoid.

    Is it that the switch is un reliabele or the switch does not have a safety lockout as part of the switch and its something that could be forgotten to turn off ( ie the circuit breaker)and the anchor could be dropped unintentionally by hitting the down switch when moving.


  2. #2

    Re: Why $230 Solenoid for Anchor winch, When a $48, 200 Amp Switch will do the Job?..

    Simply wouldn't be common due to the hassle of running the required gauge of wiring through the dash loom. It would still need a breaker much the same as a solenoid to protect the wiring and motor and even with a solenoid the anchor can be inadvertently deployed if the breaker is not turned off. Provided you have the room for the cables and the switches are reliable????? there would be no reason not to use one.

  3. #3

    Re: Why $230 Solenoid for Anchor winch, When a $48, 200 Amp Switch will do the Job?..

    Peter, a lot of switches are isolation type switches. Not designed for constant load breaking duties (operating whilst drawing large currents).
    Solenoids are designed to break contact whilst drawing large loads. The contacts along with the spring loading are designed for that purpose.
    When a no load isolation switch is used in a constant load break situation, the contacts will wear and burn considerably. In a best case scenario the contacts will not make decent contact but worst case scenario the contacts can weld together.

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