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Thread: Propping my Allison Arafura 4.95

  1. #1

    Propping my Allison Arafura 4.95

    Hi Guys,
    had the Allison for a few years now,
    Has always been a pain to try and get up on the plane (Poetry not intended! )
    I changed the location where I usually get it serviced and spoke to them about the problem and
    they suggested a Mercury Spitfire 4 blade with the same pitch, (13 inch) would do the job
    The old prop was a standard 3 blade, I think they called it a Black Max?
    All was powered by a 60HP Mercury 4s

    Wow! The difference was incredible,
    same top end revs
    same top speed
    got on the plane in a couple of seconds
    acceleration was amazing

    Couldn't pony up for a Solas at the time, at least I have some history for them when I do

  2. #2

    Re: Propping my Allison Arafura 4.95

    Yeah I have done the same with my Merc 69 as well huge improvement

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