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Bermuda 3.15m V Nose / Square Nose Punt
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Thread: Bermuda 3.15m V Nose / Square Nose Punt

  1. #1

    Bermuda 3.15m V Nose / Square Nose Punt

    Does anyone know anything about the Bermuda 3.15m V nose / square nose punt? i just bought one to replace my tinny in the other thread, the Bermuda tinny doesn't have the middle seat so im cheerin

    much beefier tinny too

    cant seem to find the Bermuda web page, looking for max HP as the bloke i bought it from said it has never been registered and they bought it new a long time ago so it doesn't have a builders plate

    what would u call it based on the pictures below? V nose? square nose? jon boat? punt?

  2. #2

    Re: Bermuda 3.15m V Nose / Square Nose Punt

    Redbook has the 315 discovery punt listed as 10hp.

  3. #3

    Re: Bermuda 3.15m V Nose / Square Nose Punt

    That's just a punt, the V nose punt had some V in the hull to try to improve the ride, that said, it is hard to tell from the picture, but it sure looks flat bottomed.

  4. #4

    Re: Bermuda 3.15m V Nose / Square Nose Punt

    Thanks for the replies guys,i think its worth the $350 investment i just hope its stable and fishes better than my other tinny

  5. #5

    Re: Bermuda 3.15m V Nose / Square Nose Punt

    Most Bermuda hulls came out of the Quintrex factory, although some were From Savage I think. That hull looks to be a Quinnie, before the Traveller series. 10hp would be plenty.

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

  6. #6

    Re: Bermuda 3.15m V Nose / Square Nose Punt

    Well i had a guy coming to buy my other green tinny so i decided to move the new tinny off the lawn than i looked really closely to the back of the back seat somewhere i looked before i bought it and i didnt see the builders plate removed im ....... pissed off

    whats worse is i looked all over the tinny before i laid out some cash i looked at the front and back seats looking for the builders plate and i missed the two holes in the seat

    the seller kept saying over and over there was nothing shady about the deal and it wasn't stolen

    i called the son (farther and son deal) the son said it was sold as is and to be used with a 5hp motor, i brought it to his attention all boats made after 2004 must have builders plates he replied that wasn't the reason he sold it to me it must be used with a 5hp and doesn't need rego he replied....

    the farther just scribbled out a bodgy receipt i noticed he hadn't put down his name so i was planning on going back today for him to fix the receipt, i even said to the farther if RMS doesn't accept the receipt can i come back and get it fixed he replied no problem its not stolen

    i argued with the son over the phone and said to him the boat is stolen i want my money back, the son wont be home untill thursday so will see than

    am i standing on one leg?

    what really pisses me off is this was a farther and son team and they were aussie blokes

  7. #7
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Bermuda 3.15m V Nose / Square Nose Punt

    check under the gunnel on the right rear corner. this is where quintrex stamp their hull serial number

  8. #8

    Re: Bermuda 3.15m V Nose / Square Nose Punt

    Quote Originally Posted by ericcs View Post
    check under the gunnel on the right rear corner. this is where quintrex stamp their hull serial number

    spot on thanks mate, i found 4 numbers on one side and 5 on the other side

    if i take the tinny into a dealer do u think they can read these samped number and issue the HIN number?

  9. #9
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Bermuda 3.15m V Nose / Square Nose Punt

    Quote Originally Posted by gazza2006au View Post
    spot on thanks mate, i found 4 numbers on one side and 5 on the other side

    if i take the tinny into a dealer do u think they can read these samped number and issue the HIN number?
    i would think so. all my numbers are on the right side, the last 2 designating the year model

  10. #10

    Re: Bermuda 3.15m V Nose / Square Nose Punt

    today i thought i would try register the boat before i took it back for on thursday to get my $350 purchase money back and to my surprise the boat code agent wasnt even interested in the boat not having its builders plate, he went a head and attached the boat code i read his paper work it was all about if the boat had previously been coded and if there were any tampering with the previous boat code plate or holes

    i went to RMS with the receipt and paper work the lady said i did not have a sufficient receipt so i went and got a stat dec filled out than went back, on the form i hadnt ticked yes or no to having a builders plate and i didnt enter a serial number the lady at RMS was ok with this and proceeded to do the registration

    its now registered in my name

  11. #11

    Re: Bermuda 3.15m V Nose / Square Nose Punt

    took it out yesterday in port hacking the wind would have been blowing around 70kph the chop was at lease 40-50cm that made for a fun ride we got absolutely soaked but dried off

    this little tinny got up on the plane but struggled in the wind it didn't have enough oomph with the 8hp yamaha, think i need either more hp or wings on the motor

    these little tinnies must get stolen a lot around sydney? had a bloke follow us we pulled into a servo the bloke pulled into aside street and came over looking at the tinny asking where we were headed and had a good look at the tinny like as if he owned one like it or he assumed i was a thief because the boat was on my motor bike trailer he than asked wheres the motorbecause it was in the back if my Nissan X-Trail it pissed me off

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