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Wild Tinny Modifications
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Thread: Wild Tinny Modifications

  1. #1

    Wild Tinny Modifications

    some time ago i bought a little tinny and only took it out for the first fishing session last weekend its a 3.4m Sea Hunter now im thinking of mod'ing it, it came with a timber floor frame for the rear and a flimsy rotted front deck but now im thinking

    im thinking of pulling out the middle and rear seats, adding 4-5 U shape ribs for strength than adding a alloy frame for the floor covered with ply and installing 3 pedestal seats

    do u think this is a ridiculous idea and im just pissing in the wind?

    structure will be my main concern mostly in the ribs that will need to be made

    i think with a modification like this it would free up a lot of space without those seats in there

  2. #2

    Re: Wild Tinny Modifications

    No flotation then?

  3. #3

    Re: Wild Tinny Modifications

    Under the floor will be filled with liquid foam

  4. #4
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Gold Coast

    Re: Wild Tinny Modifications

    What motor to be used?
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  5. #5

    Re: Wild Tinny Modifications

    Quote Originally Posted by Chimo View Post
    What motor do you run on it?

    I have a 9.9 on my 10 footer and I got a rear fishing spot when I added pods that also better support the motor and me when driving it. Rear sits up and it runs flat, much improved over the no pod posture. If you can get it stable and keep flotation too you would probably be better off. Foils don't hurt either.


    that looks good Chimo, do the pods or the hydrofoil give u the most lift? i have a few motors that i can run on my tinny i have a 8hp yamaha, a 4hp Mariner gets it up on a plane with two in the boat but a hydrofoil is much needed if im in the boat my self (i weight 95kg) the boat is a little rear heavy but gets up on the plane and boogies along for a little 4hp motor so i think the 8hp yamaha will be plenty with a hydrofoil

    i dont think my modifications would add a ton of weight, the idea would be just the ribs made from 40x3m round tubing (cant find a square pipe bender), the floor frame and plywood floor i could possible use a timber floor frame

    i would install 3 seats for comfort as that is the limit for this boat

  6. #6
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Re: Wild Tinny Modifications

    do the pods or the hydrofoil give u the most lift
    The pods give lift and also more bottom length so more stability too.
    The foil was on way before I added the pods and it allowed one to move the tiller without the feeling that it would be really easy to flip the boat given the HP on the back. The foil makes it stable and forgiving in any sort of turn for slow to real fast as it just corners flat with with the foil on, sort of like an MGB or a Mini Cooper on water.

    I can stand on the pods and fish or whatever and we are talking about similar weight to yours. Turns the ten footer into a fifteen or bigger behaving boat and the motor is still on the ten foot transom too.

    There are a lot of US and Canadian rigs with similar pod like structures if you have a hunt on the interweb!podsplus.jpg One can appreciate the benefit of these pod like features when you consider the weight of the motor in the pic.


  7. #7

    Re: Wild Tinny Modifications

    I dont think i will go with pods Chimo but i will be needing a hydrofoil, im liking the idea of pulling out the bench seats and replacing them with pedestal seats that should give me a whole heap of extra floor space and re-modernize the tinny

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member ozynorts's Avatar
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    Re: Wild Tinny Modifications

    Mate, why don't you just finish the ss16?
    Remember to always log on before heading offshore.

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Wild Tinny Modifications

    gazza I had a boat of the same shape and size , a little savage from memory
    had a 6hp evinrude on it

    they have no stability let alone raising the centre of gravity

    was scary enough two guys standing up trying to cast lures

    tbh I don't get the whole "modding - sick mods - pimping rubbish" you see on many of the fb sites

    by the time they add all the crap they do I doubt many float and the money spent they could have bought a more suitably sized hull for what they want to do

  10. #10

    Re: Wild Tinny Modifications

    Quote Originally Posted by ozynorts View Post
    Mate, why don't you just finish the ss16?
    i still need to finish off the glassing and im worn out to be honest, one strip down the side of the boat took me like 4 hours and there is 8 strips like this to do, the repetitive work left me with no motivation i would wake up and try find some motivation but i was empty and drained

    im not sure what im doing with the SS16 its just sitting there and has been a while i just took on far to much far to soon i wish i had built one of the smaller models and i may still do one but it'll be one of the 12 footers something i can relatively knock over fast without wearing my self down

    no excuses the SS16 is a great design i just wish i had done a smaller model so i would have had the experience and knowledge before tackling the bigger model

    my budget was also blown out of proportion that was all my fault because i couldn't afford to fork out the $3000 up front for all my materials so i was paying much more but it was all bit here a bit there, what would have helped a lot was if i bought from the designers supplier which the builders get a huge discount but i went on my own mission and sourced my own materials

    if i had built something smaller i would have been sailing the seas right now

  11. #11

    Re: Wild Tinny Modifications

    Quote Originally Posted by stevej View Post
    gazza I had a boat of the same shape and size , a little savage from memory
    had a 6hp evinrude on it

    they have no stability let alone raising the centre of gravity

    was scary enough two guys standing up trying to cast lures

    tbh I don't get the whole "modding - sick mods - pimping rubbish" you see on many of the fb sites

    by the time they add all the crap they do I doubt many float and the money spent they could have bought a more suitably sized hull for what they want to do
    i here you steve about the stability i dont really stand up much kind of a lazy fisho i also dont hold my rod i leave it laying up side the boat i find i catch more fish when im not holding the rod the rocking of the boat puts my rod in motion haha

    this little tinny only cost me $200 on a trailer so i have some coin i can spend on modding her before i over do the market value i was thinking the mod would only cost about $500 so im not all that much into it money wise

    to put it simple i cant afford a $20,000 nice open luxury tinny with pedestals so some people just have to make do with what they have available

    also about the stability i was going to remove the bench seats but keep the same seat height

    something like this

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Feb 2007

    Re: Wild Tinny Modifications

    yeah sorry that wasn't ago at you

    I just don't understand the selfie stick fullsick generation

  13. #13

    Re: Wild Tinny Modifications

    Bottom of the hull looks pretty flat, so static stability cant too bad. Have you tried standing on the the thwarts to see?
    Below is a link to my refit. Done a few years ago now and had a few boats since but it all held together, aside from the rivets not holding, and there were no ill effects.

    As for the rivets, I fixed that problem with suitably sized S/S screws and she was apples. A couple of things I learnt later on that will help. If you can find it, Uniboard makes a great alternative to timber. Its heavier, but will never rot. Its also expensive unless you can get a hold of a "seconds" sheet. It is not suitable in this application unless carpeted as its lice ice when wet. Its great stuff however and very easy to work with.
    Your comments about over capitalising are well founded but you budget seems acheivable in my mind.
    Most importantly, have fun & Good luck. I loved almost every minute of my refit.

  14. #14

    Re: Wild Tinny Modifications

    Quote Originally Posted by Coontakinta View Post
    Bottom of the hull looks pretty flat, so static stability cant too bad. Have you tried standing on the the thwarts to see?
    Below is a link to my refit. Done a few years ago now and had a few boats since but it all held together, aside from the rivets not holding, and there were no ill effects.

    As for the rivets, I fixed that problem with suitably sized S/S screws and she was apples. A couple of things I learnt later on that will help. If you can find it, Uniboard makes a great alternative to timber. Its heavier, but will never rot. Its also expensive unless you can get a hold of a "seconds" sheet. It is not suitable in this application unless carpeted as its lice ice when wet. Its great stuff however and very easy to work with.
    Your comments about over capitalising are well founded but you budget seems acheivable in my mind.
    Most importantly, have fun & Good luck. I loved almost every minute of my refit.
    I havent tried standing on the seats yet ive only taking the tinny out for one test run and one 45min fishing session, its a small and old design so it doesnt have deep V but its a great little tinny rides really well imo hence i want to fit it out hehe, im thinking if i place the short pedestals in there they can only be a little off center so as not to lean when im fishing solo but building it my self i could always add in multipal seat holes for when 2-3 of us go out i can just move the seat out to the side further

    i cant see your pic's in your link but i'll join up to see them

    to keep the budget within the reasonable amount ive set out, a plywood floor would cost next to nothing unless i was to weld in a aluminium frame under the floor

    only thing is there will be down time i wont have a boat and we are coming in to fishing season lol

    i do have one problem that will be about the structure from front to back i dont want to hit small wake and the tinny bows in the middle or even worse, i was thinking along the lines of building pockets along the sides between ribs for structure

  15. #15

    Re: Wild Tinny Modifications

    The only things giving that little tinny any strength are the thwarts. You pull them out and those sides will flop around and crack.

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

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