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Thread: Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club

  1. #16

    Re: Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club

    I was a member quite a few years ago and it doesn't surprise me that things haven't improved. The MBTBC also had a camping lease at South Straddie, the Southern Haven which was a good base and well set up and could serve your purpose for extended trips although you would then launch from Rudy Maas. The political infighting, the lack of general managenent support for the Haven and the levees which in the past were used to support the marina entity all had contributed to many members leaving. This was about 8 years ago, the club could and should be the gem of the area and I enjoyed my tine but got frustrated with the way run. I must admit I stuck it out longer than some of my friends and as I say this is old news so there would certainly be changes, whether for the better you would have to find out but the fees do look considerably steeper than they should be.

  2. #17

    Re: Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club

    Quote Originally Posted by gofishin View Post
    Limited parking, yes. Recently in a bit of financial trouble, yes. Increased levy, yes. Annual fee increase, maybe, can't remember. Am I still a member, yes!

    I went to the special General Meeting with 3 of my mates (members too) where they discussed the Levy and reasons for their financial predicament etc. We, and I think the majority (?) of members who attended, we're happy enough to vote in the affirmative and continue to be members. Some maybe begrudgingly continued membership, and others were plainly going to pull the pin.

    Do I get valve for money? Well if I told you how infrequently I've used my boat recently it might be hard to convince you, but I still find more +'s than -'s.

    Oh, and thanks to the guys that have left, plenty of parks the other Sunday I went out, on a good boating day too
    MBTBC member
    Any chance to shed more light on this? This thread potential has scared away new members to MBTBC. You haven't really given any information on why it is still good?

    I myself am looking to join a ramp and due to this thread MBTBC has been crossed off that list.

  3. #18
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Aug 2014

    Re: Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club

    Have been using Manly for a while, never had to wait long for the public ramps. The pontoons are awesome.
    The northern ramp does have a dropoff at very low tide to be careful of (one guy was nice enough to mention it as I was about to back in one morning). It was right on low at (about 0.1m) and yeah, got the trailer tyres to 10cm of the end of the ramp and just had enough water to roll off the trailer. The southern ramp is also good!, seems a bit quieter, maybe due to the longer slow speed zone to get out of the marina. They both are my new favourite ramps ! ...
    Water tower bait and tackle not too far away are open from 5am which is also handy!
    Also went into the MBTBC to drop in and have lunch one day, not sure if I was meant to, but moored up at the pontoon and had lunch. Food was good, nice people and a nice atmosphere.
    I did ask about membership, but, for the moment, it is a bit too expensive for me to justify.

  4. #19
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club

    I use many different ramps around the bay but Manly (public) is by far my favourite. Even with the markets on, parking is never an issue, or at least it never has been for me and I use it often.
    There's never any big queues either in or out and the ramps are good with excellent set up and break down areas. Compared to Raby Bay, or even the first set of ramps at Scarbourough, Manly is paradise!!

  5. #20
    Ausfish Platinum Member bigjimg's Avatar
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    Moorooka, Brisbane.

    Re: Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club

    Quote Originally Posted by gofishin View Post
    Limited parking, yes. Recently in a bit of financial trouble, yes. Increased levy, yes. Annual fee increase, maybe, can't remember. Am I still a member, yes!

    I went to the special General Meeting with 3 of my mates (members too) where they discussed the Levy and reasons for their financial predicament etc. We, and I think the majority (?) of members who attended, we're happy enough to vote in the affirmative and continue to be members. Some maybe begrudgingly continued membership, and others were plainly going to pull the pin.

    Do I get valve for money? Well if I told you how infrequently I've used my boat recently it might be hard to convince you, but I still find more +'s than -'s.

    Oh, and thanks to the guys that have left, plenty of parks the other Sunday I went out, on a good boating day too
    MBTBC member
    You're welcome. Jim
    Haines Signature "FinaLeigh" 580F 135 Optimax
    CH 81 & 72 VHF

  6. #21

    Re: Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club

    I lost interest in MBTBC for very similar reasons; fees went up, and we seemed to get less for it, and the place was falling apart. I remember as a kid going there with my father to help with the old "ramp roster". I used to take wife and kids there for dinner, but, when the catering providers were changed, the food went downhill and the price went up, and it's only open a couple of nights a week. The one thing that I got sick if was being told I had to move on when hosing the boat. It would come from either the radio room man, or, on more than one occasion, from a pro fisho who believed my 2 minutes were more than enough for me, and I should move on so he could give his show the once over. I got sick of the fights (nearly more than once) over this, so I just went away when my last membership ran out. It would appear that people have left the Club in droves over the last few years, as is evidenced by his few boats are parked around the inside fence compared to what was there a while ago. It doesn't really effect me now, as I've joined the Tinny Brigade.
    I fish; therefore I am...

    Politicians are just like kangaroos; they're lovely to have around, but they need a good CULL every now and then just to keep the population in check...

  7. #22
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club

    Quote Originally Posted by JulianDeMarchi View Post
    Any chance to shed more light on this? This thread potential has scared away new members to MBTBC. You haven't really given any information on why it is still good? ...
    Following are all the +'s for me Julian, or if I am more specific - for 'the family' . Well, at least those that come to mind quickly. Everyone has different views/wants/needs etc, and the following may mean jack to many, but they are why 'we' have been members for about 9 yrs now.
    1. Much closer to home than Redlands, and still much cheaper than RQYS.

    2. More secure than any public ramp, however I still use a wheel clamp, as the real crooks will still find a way.

    3. Only once in 9 yrs have I had to park next door in the public area. However, have to be earlyish on cracker weekends or holiday periods, as many times we have had late start social days and I have got the 'last spot'.

    4. Much more 'civil' than public ramps, and most seem to know what they are doing, and are courteous. Not that this worries me, but it does make a difference on family/social trips - which has been my only boating from MBTBC in the last few yrs. This also helps me as I launch and retrieve solo most of time, regardless of who/how many I have with me, although the Mrs. does hook/unhook when she can. So I back trailer, launch boat, secure at pontoon, walk round and drive trailer out, wash and park trailer, then do same again in reverse upon retrieval- except of course washing the trailer before I get the boat out .

    5. Good ramp, even at low tide. 4 lanes and not a squeezy 4 (even after the floating finger jetty was installed a few yrs ago, when we lost 2 lanes effectively .

    6. Plenty of pontoon space, especially off to the sides (most like the floating finger, so that leaves more space where I like it).

    7. Two hoses for washing, so at really busy times it's not too long a wait if you want to wash trailer & flush motor. Some don't bother with any washing, but I like to flush while motor is still warm, and always give the trailer a good wash. When not busy, no one minds if you give the boat a quick hose to get a bit of the salt off etc. just make sure you have hose ends/fittings with you - sometimes you need them.

    8. Unisex toilet available 24/7, so it doesn't matter what time of day/night you leave/return, and the crew/family generally use it.

    9. Honour system ice freezer with member key access.

    10. So long as during opening hrs, have a meal before or after your trip, or buy grog/food whatever for the trip.

    11. Very quiet for early fishing trips - not that I have done one in a while though .

    12. Can't think of more ATM, just wanted a dozen bullet points .


    PS. In 9 yrs no one has ever whinged at me at the washing area, nor have I heard anyone else getting whinged at. In fact I have never heard any agro anywhere. Maybe I have been lucky ... or I'm just going deaf

  8. #23

    Re: Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club

    Thanks for the detailed reply mate. I have used the ramp once myself, I had a deckie that day who was a member of the sail club there. The only critique I had on that day was the rule on the ramp where you couldn't drive on and off your trailer. However it was very quiet and I didn't get caught doing so.

  9. #24
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Mar 2004

    Re: Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club

    Quote Originally Posted by JulianDeMarchi View Post
    ... The only critique I had on that day was the rule on the ramp where you couldn't drive on and off your trailer...
    Can only assume that was when they were doing work on the ramp/upgrades Julian, although I don't recall this requirement. I have driven of/on with 2 boats over the 9 yrs.

  10. #25
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Sep 2014

    Re: Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club

    this club this is a personal choice realli.. the ideal of it been a club with features or the state of mind thinking it safer or better... meeting unpatience people or getting into bad luck is random, wrong place wrong time... idk about you fishermen but fishing is suppose to be relaxing and teach you patience... not bring up more stress but public or club i notice the biggest thing is car parks.. clubs awesome for it, public well you plan ahead... rush hr.. always the same time 7-10am n 1-3pm are normally heavy... public holiday... normally if your not there by 5-7am gonna be hard.... long you plan ahead you'll be fine...

    but is it wroth the money?... that something you ask yourself,

    How offen you go out
    How far you wanna travel
    Where you live
    Where your mates are
    What location you plan to fish in
    Size of your boat
    How secure are you
    What type of car you have
    What you expect from a club

    it the question that makes u decide to or not, if costly was the problem then you shouldnt be joining at all... heck im on a 50$ mth donation to surf life saving.. knowing i never surf or use there service... but if cost isnt the problem and you want or like the idea of a club... most clubs are the same.. it only a matter of location and where you live...

    if your scared of it gettin stolen, install a gps track under the floor board or inside the battery cover case for those who has it... even i got one installed for other reason in case i run out of fuel... least my mates can track where i am... or like my wife say... so she can keep an eye on me.... there alot of blind spot but likewise this is my 2cent advice

  11. #26
    Ausfish Platinum Member Triple's Avatar
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    Jan 2009

    Re: Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club

    Quote Originally Posted by solaris View Post
    Redlands is about $330 per year from memory, plus a joining fee for the first year,
    Will be interesting to see the membership numbers next year now that the pontoons are in at the public ramps...

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