Never heard of dinga as a tackle shop[emoji1] i checked it out bloody good deals on There thanks.
sent from the beerhunter
Never heard of dinga as a tackle shop[emoji1] i checked it out bloody good deals on There thanks.
sent from the beerhunter
+1 for dinga been using them for a couple of years and never had a problem.
Well i dropped a sketch off to my boiler maker friend i should have a mount back in a day or 2 for less than $50 [emoji4]
sent from the beerhunter
RoadTechMarine have a 32lb for $199-00. Weighs 14.5kgs with 5 forward & 3 reverse speeds. I just bought one for myself & cut down the shaft to suit my C-Kayak. Worth comparing to Sea Snake & Minn Kota for features & price plus they carry all spare as well.
Thanks mate I'll check them out. My mount is made need to decide on a motor now. When I get home from work i want it set up to fish for Christmas.
I'm keen to make a home made outrigger set up and even a little flat deck to stand on I'm not keen to cast lures sitting down anyone have any ideas? I was thinking a small marine ply deck and foam outriggers
sent from the beerhunter
Whack a bow mount wireless job on.......nothing else will steer as well or be as easy to handle in currents / cross winds.
Whack a bow mount wireless remote control job on.......nothing else will steer as well or be as easy to handle in currents / cross winds.
Yeah mate I'm hearing ya. I'm mounting it just forward if center so hopefully it will have a similar effect. I really want a manual tiller job. I have a remote on my tinnie now and i sort of like the tiller job i had on my car topper better.
Time will tell.
sent from the beerhunter
Well I'm home from work in a few days so the yak will be getting a few mods. My plan is to catch 3 jacks over 40cm on cast lures from it before the end if summer. A big ask but I'm committed.
I have since come across old town canoes very stable and can easily stand up in but that can wait i gotta finish this build first [emoji1]
sent from the beerhunter
Motor and mount finally ready for fitting [emoji4]
sent from the beerhunter
sent from the beerhunter
Test fitting
sent from the beerhunter
I know I'm talking to myself [emoji1] but whats the smallest battery i should use ?
90 or 100 amp hour will be too heavy i imagine?
Just got a sea master marine battery 80 amp hour weighs 20kg. Its about as big as i would of wanted with the weight. Goes really well holds into the current with plenty of power [emoji4]