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Thread: Brooker 500 are the any good.

  1. #16
    Ausfish Platinum Member gr hilly's Avatar
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    Re: Brooker 500 are the any good.

    Cheers Brett I might move the batteries and get them away from the fuel thats my main concern,and the fella who fits my electric motor can do that to i might ring a couple of mobile fellas and see who can service and fit the extra battery and elec motor you saved me worrying about the tank now i have to sell my other boat.
    Cheers Glynn.

  2. #17

    Re: Brooker 500 are the any good.

    They do have a quite a few frames in them as Bugman posted. My mate with the 70 ran from the ramp at Labrador, out the Seaway up to Sullies and back which if done in perfect straight lines (which he didn't) is a round trip of 55K's or so as well as running back up on his drifts etc for a fuel burn of about 20 litres.

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