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Oil from rear of propeller
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Thread: Oil from rear of propeller

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member shakey55's Avatar
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    Apr 2010

    Oil from rear of propeller

    Having picked up my new (to me) boat yesterday, the previous owner, a really nice older fella tells me the family are not interested in boating and he is getting on in years.

    He says the boat has not been started for just over one year. Well he eventually gets it started and proceeds to rev the guts out of in in his backyard. I tell him to back off and not to do that.

    When I get the boat home I see there is oil leaking from the rear of the propeller.

    Any more knowledgeable people than me here that can tell me what may be cause and is it an expensive fix.

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  2. #2

    Re: Oil from rear of propeller

    Shakey, 2 stroke or 4 stroke?

  3. #3

    Re: Oil from rear of propeller

    Unburnt 2 stroke oil by the looks. Not to worry just yet. Happens with a lot of motors - more so when run at idle for extended periods such as when flushing. My old man's 70 evinrude does the same thing as does my 15 Merc.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member shakey55's Avatar
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    Apr 2010

    Re: Oil from rear of propeller

    Sorry gents TWO STROKE

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  5. #5
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Re: Oil from rear of propeller


    Yes agree that its unburnt TC-W3 which is typical of the mark. My two 115 HP Evinrudes do the same when thing when being flushed on earmuffs. I just did mine after going for a run off the Old Coast looking for a whale or two and apart from a nice run about 10 nm off shore none to be seen before the sightsee-ers started to turn green so brought them back in.

    If you want to avoid seeing the black oil stain I find wiping it off while its fresh is best.

    No doubt your motor blow lots of smoke when it starts so it will probably be good for years and many more hours.

    What compression numbers did you get when you checked the motor.

    The new 115 etecs are very similar to the good old 115 v-4s with the exception of the fuel side of things and injectors instead of plugs of course.

    Enjoy you nice looking "new" boat, looks like good find.


  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member scuttlebutt's Avatar
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    Jul 2005

    Re: Oil from rear of propeller

    Probably just 2stroke oil but maybe just smell it and make sure it's not gearbox oil. Could be a leaky seal.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Jun 2007

    Re: Oil from rear of propeller

    Gearbox oil should not be that colour at all.
    Agree with the other guys. Unburnt 2 stroke oil.

  8. #8

    Re: Oil from rear of propeller

    Yeah totally agree with the 2 stroke oil diagnosis. But to be sure you could pop off the prop and have a look around where the shaft enters the seal. There might be a bit of exhaust oil on there so give it a wipe and check next day. If it is gear box oil and at that colour I'd be worried. But it doesn't look like it.

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member scuttlebutt's Avatar
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    Re: Oil from rear of propeller

    Quote Originally Posted by dodgyone View Post
    Gearbox oil should not be that colour at all.
    Agree with the other guys. Unburnt 2 stroke oil.
    That's right, gearbox oil shouldn't be that colour. And it shouldn't be outside the gearbox. But it's worth checking to be sure. I've had both happen in the past. Regardless once you figure out what it actually is, pull the bung on the gearbox and make sure the oil doesn't have water in it. Worth doing on any "new" second-hand motor.

  10. #10

    Re: Oil from rear of propeller

    My old 96 Johnson does that when I start it after it has sat for a while. A good thing to remember is to release the 2 stroke oil reservoir cap while it is park up as any heat(air temp) will push oil into the motor. I got caught with this when I had it tarped outside in the sun and it took a long time to clear out the engine of smoke. It wasn't till I gave it a run in the river it cleared properly. Not really an issue.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member shakey55's Avatar
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    Apr 2010

    Re: Oil from rear of propeller

    Just to let you know. Had the motor serviced and mechanic felt and smelt the oil residue and said UNBURNT FUEL.

    Says as the motor has not been started for some time and the fact the seller rev'd the tripe out of it and then turned off, all UNBURNT fuel settled in base of motor and when I raised the motor it has all run to the rear of prop and out.

    Just thought I would let you all know the outcome for future reference.

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