I think you need to film it for us mate........ Could be very educational..
I think you need to film it for us mate........ Could be very educational..
Remember to always log on before heading offshore.
Here's a 200HP etec without a battery.
Makes it look easy.
Just what i have heard. If it can safely be pull started it will be in the owners manual...
As for Opti a dealer told me no battery no run.
Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
Boat: Seafarer Vagabond
Live: Great South East....love Moreton Bay fishing
My dad used to start up to 20hp Mercs just by spinning the fly wheel with his hands. This is not something you should allow your early teenage son to witness, as he will try it, and he will hurt himself, I was that son.
I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to
A battery that's too flat to kick a motor over will still have enough volts to run the ignition. You obviously have to have a battery connected to pull start it, except the likes of some (others have mentioned this)
IMHO you should at least have two batteries. Even a third spare fully charged with jumper leads when overnighting.
Every trip a can of "start ya bastard" comes with me, according to urban leglend ether sprays shouldn't be used on 2 strokes but it would take right idiot to use enough in one go to cause any undue problem, actually I dont know how one might be fool enough make a problem happen...suspect it was a some easy play on lubrication...who knows these days.
With a can of this and a motor that can start, even someone with "chicken arms"will get it running again.
I have 2 big batteries and a lithium jump pack (size of 2 packs of coffin nails). Works for me. Cheers
Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
Boat: Seafarer Vagabond
Live: Great South East....love Moreton Bay fishing
Hi Noelm, All
re ( make sure the rope is not too long, just a full turn around the flywheel is plenty, too long, and when it starts, you will be whipped to near death by a 115HP whipper snipper, trust me,)
I take it from this the pull rope does not let go easily, so is the pull rope, 1 turn around the flywheel plus say 200mm to the pull rope handle?
Looking at a backup for an 85Hp Blue Band Merc battery low.
I've had a starter solenoid go.
The cogniscenti use a screwdriver to short it out for a start. (They neglected to tell me.)
Hello All,
when I was a teenager I rope started a 105hp Chrysler from cold.
Took a few yerks but no problem.
The battery still had some charge so some spark, I don't know how a fully dead battery would go.
Adding to Noelm's cautions;
all passengers to be as far away as possible.
If the donkey starts and the rope get caught, be ready to duck.
Do not loop the rope around your wrist you will get wound in and chewed up, horrifying thought.
Must be connected to a battery or the diodes in the alternator will blow.
Those little jump start gadgets look good to me, has anybody actually tried one?
A 200 would have a lot more compression than a 105, so it comes down to motivation.
Four strokes would have much more compression than a two stroke, again, motivation.
How would a modern computerised motor go with low voltage????????
Let all interested parties go to the shed and get pulling.
I want to know how he dropped the battery over the side.
The old blue band Mercurys used to store their pull cord in a little plastic bag attached to the square front motor cover, easy not to notice it your's could still be there.Looking at a backup for an 85Hp Blue Band Merc battery low.
Yeah they work very well Crocodile, a bit expensive for what battery they use inside them but they sure are a convenient way of having a transportable battery on hand in a neat package.Those little jump start gadgets look good to me, has anybody actually tried one?
The starter in my 100HP Yammy fourstroke died once and the dealer said it can't be pull started. But I put a short rope (REALLY short. I didn't even wrap it right round the fly wheel, only a quarter turn). It was the easiest pull start ever.