G'day all
just wondering, i have a yamaha saltwater II series outboard (2 Stroke) does anyone know if you can manually start them if your battery dies?
G'day all
just wondering, i have a yamaha saltwater II series outboard (2 Stroke) does anyone know if you can manually start them if your battery dies?
Yes mate you can.
Take the engine cover off, put the pull start rope on the flywheel, make sure the key is turned on and pull. Too easy.
Oh neutral and kill switch in as well.
Remember to always log on before heading offshore.
Id give it a go onshore before counting on being able to at sea.
If its a bigger outboard and you have chicken arms, it may be hard.
Ive tried a F115 4S, no go
great thanks for letting me know, will have a looksy later on.
Also, i have heard yes and no answers, does the battery get charged whilst engine is running?
cheers guys
I started my 115 2 stroke once on land to be sure I could do it. It pulled fairly easily and kicked straight over.
Remember to always log on before heading offshore.
You can do it, carry a length of rope to act as a starter cord that you wind around the flywheel, give it a smooth tug and hope all goes well. had to do this with an old yamaha 60 when the battery fell over board, lets not ask how.
My 115 v4 2 stroke Yammy does not need a battery to start and run. The charging system supplies the spark voltage. I have a pull cord and t handle in the boat. 4 stroke are a no go I understand, and Opti also needs a battery attached to run.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Boat: Seafarer Vagabond
Live: Great South East....love Moreton Bay fishing
Yes mate, to add my 2 bobs worth to those above. Had to do it with a 40 4stroke . Also whilst running she did charge .
There is a few simple tips, first up, make sure ignition is on, fuel bulb is hard, manual choke on and usually some throttle, make sure the rope is not too long, just a full turn around the flywheel is plenty, too long, and when it starts, you will be whipped to near death by a 115HP whipper snipper, trust me, I know all about it, also make sure no one is standing too close, because as you pull like crazy, your mate might just get an elbow in the guts... I also know about that! You will be surprised how easy it is, especially after dark with no help in sight, you will pull that motor faster than any battery, also remember when a battery will no longer turn the starter, it will have plenty of power left for ignition and stuff, that is of course unless your battery has fallen over board!
If it's pushing the 7 metre Fraser in your other post possibly not. What sort of horsepower is it. It can be done - if you can pull hard enough. A mate and myself eventually got a 140 Evinrude going one day but we were both absolutely stuffed by the time it happened - and that was when I was fit.
Just be careful or it may be a trip to a medical practitioner to have your shoulder put back in. Not sure if the yammy will be the same as the old V4 OMC but if you managed to get it in just the right (or wrong) spot, it would kick back like a mule. Not a nice sensation.
I gave it a try with a warmed up 90HP V4 Evinrude and it popped off on the first compression stroke, I nearly threw myself into the cuddy cab.