Certainly made me pause when I logged in, thought I had accidentally hit the yellow cabs bookmark
But it works, that is all I need !
Certainly made me pause when I logged in, thought I had accidentally hit the yellow cabs bookmark
But it works, that is all I need !
Matches my new shirt & cap by some coincidence
Unfortunately, I have been down this path myself, as a computer support manager for a local University, you just can't imagine the flack we cop when (say) Microsoft "upgrades" something, and even though it might work the same, it looks different, and people don't like that, we get sort of comfortable with something, and if it changes, it's like the end of the world, don't even ask how it went when we went to Windows 8.......Jesus, that was hard work, we had to run training groups, just so people could have their hand held for a while! Sometimes, an "upgrade" might seem like a downgrade, or a side grade at best.
Not sure what you are referring to here.
here is a screen shot of what you should be seeing. Is this different to what you are seeing?
Steve Brown
Last edited by Ausfish; 14-09-2015 at 10:56 AM.
Steve Brown
Steve Brown
Gidday Steve
I was referring to the menu items at the top right of the page.
On wide screens like I use they are a bit of a pain being located on the right side.It would be good if they were back on the left side where they were originally but I guess people will get used to them where they are now.
Very impressed with the layout and speed otherwises,it's a massive improvement.
ausfish menu.jpg
Some colour options have been added
Go to the bottom left of any page and there is a dropdown, select the colour you prefer there.
More to come :-)
Steve Brown
Thought I would try the red . Looks too much like maroon . Bloody canetoads are everywhere.
Its bloody flying on Firefox - like the upgrade.
Mobile template has now been installed.
Have checked it on Android and IPhone. But only one phone of each. So please report any issues you find.
When opening the forum page an your phones browser you should see the new mobile layout.
You can still select the full version by clicking on the "Full Site" link at the bottom of the page.
Last edited by Ausfish; 14-09-2015 at 02:59 PM.
Steve Brown