I found a youtube video that showed a guy making one of these so I decided to give it a go. I bought a 4M length of conduit which is enough for two rods. I attached the Ambassedeur 6500 reel with two hose clamps and used a dremel-like tool to drill a hole for the line to pass though into the rod at a 45 degree angle and then used a round headed little bit to deburr the inside and outsides of that hole. The size of the hole keeps the swivel from exiting the rod at the reel end. For the bugle end, I heated the end of the conduit with a heat gun then pressed in with the butt of a large wood file handle this formed the perfectly flaired end. I also deburred this with the dremel tool.
In practice, some times one of the hooks on the sabiki jig will catch on the bugel, but its only a matter of letting the sinker pull out the jig again, pointing the rod end straight down and retrieving the jig into the rod. The conduit has enough stiffness to pull up 3-4 Yakkas at a time but I'd hat to catch anything more sizable on it as it is fairly floppy. Maybe underground conduit - the orange stuff might be sitffer.
Anyway this works really good. The Yakkas seem to be the first things attracted to my burley. Also I keep it in the cockpit and whenever I see a bait ball, I mark it and return for a drop of the bait jigs. Perfect. At the end of the day when I'm rinsing the reels and motors with salt-away I just fill up the tube with salt-away and put it away assuming the fine little hooks won't rust away.