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Roughly what's a new trailer cost
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Thread: Roughly what's a new trailer cost

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member Crunchy's Avatar
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    Roughly what's a new trailer cost

    Roughly what's a trailer cost? Single axle, mech brakes, ATM 1.4MT, 5.8M boat length. Steel & alu, Just trying to decide repair or replace.

  2. #2

    Re: Roughly what's a new trailer cost

    Quote Originally Posted by Crunchy View Post
    Roughly what's a trailer cost? Single axle, mech brakes, ATM 1.4MT, 5.8M boat length. Steel & alu, Just trying to decide repair or replace.
    3500 for a cheapy to 4500 for a good one.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Silver Member copie's Avatar
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    Re: Roughly what's a new trailer cost

    Not too many 5.8 m boats will be legal on a single axle trailer.

  4. #4

    Re: Roughly what's a new trailer cost

    I paid approx $6000 for a mackay single axle with a mesh V at the front and a walkway. It has good quality wheels and is an open channel steel build so you can see any rust if it is starting to form. Better than the box steel ones I think. Open channel actually weighs a bit more than box steel because the cross bars are thicker and wider. It has a fixed winch with no removable handle. I ordered it from Victoria where they are made because my Whittley boat 5.3 m had one on it previously and it suited my boat well. I considered all the brands but none measured up to the mackay except belco but that was going to be over $7000. Mackay are now owned by Dunbier not sure how that will pan out.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member Crunchy's Avatar
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    Re: Roughly what's a new trailer cost

    ^ great thanks, appreciate the thoughtful reply.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member Crunchy's Avatar
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    Re: Roughly what's a new trailer cost

    Quote Originally Posted by copie View Post
    Not too many 5.8 m boats will be legal on a single axle trailer.
    True? Can you give me some details? I'm not familiar with the regs but when it was put together single was OK. I THINK BM weight about 750kg

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Roughly what's a new trailer cost

    5.8m glass boats are still being sold with single axle trailers.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Roughly what's a new trailer cost

    5.8m glass boats are still being sold with single axle trailers
    Yes, and if you run that boat over a weighbridge fuelled and ready for fishing, bet you it will exceed the trailers rating . Using a weighbridge for the first time is a shock for most boat owners.

  9. #9

    Re: Roughly what's a new trailer cost

    Pretty sure redco do a single axle that's good to 2t? Anyhoo to answer your question about 5k should get you out of trouble and onto a good one.

  10. #10

    Re: Roughly what's a new trailer cost

    Crunchy, it would be well worth running your existing BMT over a weighbridge. Then you will know what ATM rating you will need the new one to meet.

    It would be interesting to know what she ways now!
    Note to self: Don't argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience....

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Roughly what's a new trailer cost

    Quote Originally Posted by Crunchy View Post
    True? Can you give me some details? I'm not familiar with the regs but when it was put together single was OK. I THINK BM weight about 750kg
    i doubt that weight very much

    trailer will be 350-400 kg (the ally trailer for my 4.2m tinny is 235kg the steel dunbier for my 520 cruisecraft was 350kg)
    hull will be 500kg plus i dont know your boat but again my 4.2m ally tinny is 300kg bare hull
    outboard 140+

    theres a tonne plus
    100l of fuel
    saftey gear
    30-40kg in batteries
    30kg in anchor and rope
    Bimini stainless work
    and everything else

  12. #12

    Re: Roughly what's a new trailer cost

    Redco make a SA trailer rated at 2T?????

    Well if they do, I can't see it listed on their website. Could you post a link please?

    The main issue with this "single axle trailer rated 2 tonnes" concept is finding tyres that are rated to carry 1 ton each. And to a lesser extent, axles, although that is possible.

    That's why single axle trailers are rarely rated at more than 1500kgs. I couldn't see any SA trailers on the Redco site rated at more than that. But I didn't do a comprehensive search...

    Crunchy, really, check your rig over a weigh bridge. Most Council tips have one and will let you run the boat ove to get a weight, without charge if you don't want an official certificate.

    You might get a surprise. I did. My Surtees 5.5 Workmate, with a full tank of fuel and the usual anchors etc weighs in around 1250kg, and that's without any tackle, Eskies, and other fishing gear. And it is really a 5.3m hull with pod to get the 5.5. My trailer was originally rated to 1300kg, I had it upgraded to 1490kg, so now I've got a reasonable margin for those days when I get a bag limit up at 1770 😜

    So, most 5.8m boats are going to hit very close to or over 1500kg when very lightly loaded, leaving you none, or virtually no margin for extra gear at all.
    Note to self: Don't argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience....

  13. #13
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Roughly what's a new trailer cost

    Quote Originally Posted by ranmar850 View Post
    Yes, and if you run that boat over a weighbridge fuelled and ready for fishing, bet you it will exceed the trailers rating . Using a weighbridge for the first time is a shock for most boat owners.
    Yeah I was just pointing out that they still do sell them like that. I ordered my 5.85 with the tandem axle option, even though the dealer kept saying it wasn't necessary but for an extra $800 why skimp? Their numbers for the single axle were 1.8t rating, hull 900kg, motor 200kg, 140kg fuel, leaving half a tonne for other items. Tandem axle gives me a couple hundred more kg to play with. But the numbers still add up for single axle, according to them. I never really looked into it further as I was optioning tandem anyway.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member Crunchy's Avatar
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    Re: Roughly what's a new trailer cost


    Boat 600Kg
    Motor 120Kg
    Trailer 290Kg
    Fuel Max 125Kg
    Anchor / chain 10Kg
    Batts 30Kg
    Gear 30Kg
    Esky / ice 15Kg
    Ancilory - margin for error 180Kg

    Trailer rated fo 1400Kg


  15. #15

    Re: Roughly what's a new trailer cost

    Quote Originally Posted by Crunchy View Post

    Boat 600Kg
    Motor 120Kg
    Trailer 290Kg
    Fuel Max 125Kg
    Anchor / chain 10Kg
    Batts 30Kg
    Gear 30Kg
    Esky / ice 15Kg
    Ancilory - margin for error 180Kg

    Trailer rated fo 1400Kg

    Key word : "theoretically". A good word, that one!

    What actual boat/motor make have you got?

    Manufacturers hull weights often are the bare hull, with no allowance for steering, safety gear, wiring, electronics, etc and trailer tare weight doesn't include spare tyre/wheel, plus add your tackle box and sinkers (at least 20kgs alone!) etc etc etc. Those weights can't be trusted.

    It all adds up!

    Every few years, Qld Transport has a blitz on boat trailers. Down our way, they set up in the entrance road to Raby Bay boat ramp, and pull people in to check:

    - trailer weight actually (not theoretically) is within trailer ratings
    - towball download is within car's limits
    - tow bar is rated sufficiently for trailer being towed
    - trailer tyres are rated to carry actual weight on BMT combo and are in a roadworthy condition
    - trailer coupling is rated correctly
    - lights comply and are working

    The number of people who find out this way that their combo is not legal is a sight to behold. We listened to it one time from the boat club side of the fence and nearly everyone was saying to the Cops "mate the dealer said it would be plenty". Fact is, lots of dealers put trailers just barely rated to carry the boat weight as it is towed out of the dealership. After that .... It's not their problem. Even the Commodore of the Club got caught out.

    Just sayin - it only takes a short time to get across a weigh bridge and then you'll know for sure. As opposed to theoretically😳
    Note to self: Don't argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience....

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