Heading to Fraser for a week from next Saturday,any recent condition and fishing would be appreciated, will file a post trip report as usual
Heading to Fraser for a week from next Saturday,any recent condition and fishing would be appreciated, will file a post trip report as usual
I'm heading up on the 22nd August for 7 nights and haven't heard a great deal either. I spoke to the owner of the house that I'm staying at and he said there are Tailor around but they haven't arrived in great numbers yet.
. I will be at Happy as well , staying at Annabells Parker Place ,I will be in my Champagne Pajero ,say Hello if you see me and we can swap notes
I asked the same thing a few days ago, we are heading up next weekend(14th-17th). the best response I got was to look at the Waddy point facebook page. It doesn't seem like the tailor have arrived yet, hook point is a problem at high tide so depending on travel times you may need to take the hook point bypass road.
There is a closure up between waddy point and Indian point from 1st of August to 30 September I think to guys so check that aswell
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Just got back yesterday, beach conditions are excellent. The weed is now gone and the Tailor are starting to come on in the gutters, not in big numbers yet and they are only coming on the chew right on dusk. I didn't see any caught in the day time low tide gutters, the average size is about 38cms at the moment. 99% of anglers are using Alvey setups and pilchards on gang hooks, none are being taken on metals at the moment. There are heaps of gutters up the beach, a few are being caught in the gutter outside Happy Valley and up near Cathedral Beach resort.
Post trip report as promised , beach conditions are excellent as reported by pajames just a bit tight at elbow point mid tide and wavey for the first 15 to 20 k a large washout just around the corner care required if traveling in the dark. This trip is the first time I can recall vehicles able to pass the Maheno on the ocean side. Plenty of pippies all along the beach between Eurong and Dundaburra so no need to overload on the bottom of the Island, plenty of beach worms thru the same stretch.remember there is a 30 bag limit on worms ,and a bag limit on pippies as well.
THe fishing was very patchy with very short bite periods at dawn and dusk for the Tailor with plenty of undersize fish and no greenbacks, a couple of good gutters at Happy and just north a few ks. reasonable dart at high tide but no 6/7 spotters,
Whiting in small numbers and size between Eli Creek and the Maheno ,walking the gutters on the early run in best, some good eye candy in the same area
Good luck if you are heading up that way