Shovel isn't a bad idea sometimes..
You do need to be careful though - don't want to dint your good shovel. Gold. Should be more of it.
If only our boat ramps ran as well as this
Those yanks have it down pat.
I like that video but what catches the eye is they can all drive on drive off , that's how it should be done instead of worrying about getting the poxie trailer wet it's the only way to go . Matt
A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......
I move a motion to install fast forward at all boat ramps.
I like that video but what catches the eye is they can all drive on drive off , that's how it should be done instead of worrying about getting the poxie trailer wet it's the only way to go . Matt
Especially in fresh water where salt and corrosion are not issues!!
And you have properly laid out access roads good parking and the USCG looking over your shoulder too.
Boat Ramp Lake Tahoe.jpg