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Thread: Fuel Sensor

  1. #16

    Re: Fuel Sensor


    What you have is the Lowrance EP65r fuel flow sensor - that is the paddle wheel gizmo fitted in the fuel line. You may be mistakenly referring to this as the LMF.

    The EP65r sensor is connected to your LMF200 gauge on the dash via a simple NMEA2000 network. The "network" is simply the T pieces and the cable that connects between them, and a power supply.

    That is the only way it can be.

    This setup can work with pretty well all engines, except those with fuel returns, as you noted.
    Note to self: Don't argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience....

  2. #17
    Ausfish New Member
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    Re: Fuel Sensor

    Does the EP65r work with two tanks?????

  3. #18

    Re: Fuel Sensor

    Quote Originally Posted by ngc1955 View Post
    Does the EP65r work with two tanks?????
    If you only have one motor it will provided it is installed in the right spot. It will only show a total used or fuel remaining for the total onboard though, not the contents of each tank separately. If you have two motors you would require two sensors unless both motors were fed off a common fuel line and the software would have to allow for programming of the probes (instance changes) and the addition of figures to show total burned.

  4. #19
    Ausfish New Member
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    Re: Fuel Sensor

    Thanks for the info, I was mainly concerned about the quantity of fuel in my tanks (only one motor). I have information on my HDS8's from the Suzuki interface but there is an accuracy problem, it can be 10-15 litres out. I think, the only way to be more accurate is to install sender units in the tank & then link to the HDS's... What are your thoughts

  5. #20

    Re: Fuel Sensor

    I think you need to calibrate your Suzuki probe. Instructions should be in your manual or in the paperwork for the probe.

  6. #21

    Re: Fuel Sensor

    Quote Originally Posted by ngc1955 View Post
    Thanks for the info, I was mainly concerned about the quantity of fuel in my tanks (only one motor). I have information on my HDS8's from the Suzuki interface but there is an accuracy problem, it can be 10-15 litres out. I think, the only way to be more accurate is to install sender units in the tank & then link to the HDS's... What are your thoughts
    No, don't do that.
    Sender units in the tanks are pretty useless as the fuel sloshes around so much.

    The correct way to address that inaccuracy is to calibrate the interface when you refuel. It's quite simple to do.

    This process will adjust the calculations done by the HDS and will greatly improve the accuracy of your fuel used and fuel remaining results. You should get it to be consistently within 1-2% of actual. Mine is always within that range, as are others I've set up for people. I last filled up and used 62.5 litres and pumped in 62.4 litres. Bloody amazing how good it is, consistently too.

    Here is how to do it on your HDS.

    1. After burning at least half your petrol or 60 litres, refill the tanks at your preferred garage. Take a note of the exact quantity it takes to fill up to full.

    2. On the HDS, press menu/menu/fuel and select refill. Highlight the set to full button and execute.

    3. The HDS will then give you the option to calibrate. Select that option. It will then pop up a screen where you can input the exact amount of fuel it took to fill the tank. Do that, and then finish the process.

    4. It will come up with a confirm screen which shows a calibration factor, and confirm that.


    You will probably have to do this process 2 or maybe 3 times at consecutive fill some to get it really accurate, then you'll be right. It will stay right from then on.

    One thing to remember is that the greatest differences once I've calibrated are going to mostly be due to the angle of the boat at the bowser.

    So especially when you are calibrating, try to use the same bowser at the same petrol station so your boat is sitting at the same angle which means it will fill to the same "fullness".
    Note to self: Don't argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience....

  7. #22

    Re: Fuel Sensor

    The Navman is brilliant. Little laser and transducer turbine. I have the stand alone head unit gauge. Bloody accurate but only good for carby motors....not made anymore.


    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Boat: Seafarer Vagabond
    Live: Great South Moreton Bay fishing

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