fair tackle?
fair tackle?
I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to
One of the craziest.
I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to
Lol, Cam Smith a grub, I have heard it all now..
Questioning the referee as any good captain should about a decision against his team in a tackle that looked like a hundred other tackles that have happened in the last few years, how did Cam Smith have anyway of knowing that McKinnon had broken his neck at that time!
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, we could all do/say things differently if we were privy to it "at the time"
Although I will admit it was "timely" and a nice try by the dirty Blues to try and throw the QLD captain off his game ahead of a decider!
But Cam being the professional sportsman and athlete that he is will not let it get to him despite what the media may be publicising, in fact I would say it will have the opposite effect and he will rise to the occasion tonight more than ever!
True NSW grubs are as follows,
1 Paul (the grub) Gallen
2 Greg (I like glassing my missus) Bird
3 Michael (the peeenis) Eenis
4 David (imbred wish I could count to 3) Klemmer
Pretty simple really. Just look at the bloke 5ft in front of you on the ground shouting I cant breath I cant feel my legs! Then the second clue may have been all the medical staff there and perhaps the last clue was the fact he was stretchered off. Its got nothing to do with being a blues or qld supporter its got to do with having a bit of empathy for a bloke who's obviously in a bad way.
Didn't realise that he had a medical degree and could tell by looking at someone that he had a broken neck, difficulty breathing and numbness in limbs isn't always caused by a broken back..
In a bad way.....yes but guys are stretchered off the field with injuries all the time..
Disagree, it was a cheap shot by NSW because they cant do it on the field honestly or fairly that's all that was about..
I love listening to all the 2 headed qlder hillbillys that think their team is clean of grubs and wife bashers
Come on don't be so pc , many of us thought that Alex is a ######## before he broke he's neck , he still is .He says he never seen the footage before and just about in the same breath he mentions that its in his book . Really ? It is very unfortunate what happened to him and I wish him all the best but all this pc c..p that all the sudden he's a likeable chap is silly. Every captain would have done the same . The ref should have called the game off out of respect but like Cameron he's not a doctor and didn't know .
here is a dog act regardless which side of the fence you sitting on , there was plenty from both sides over the years ,this one stands out
Last edited by manchild; 08-07-2015 at 04:34 PM.
At Heaven's gate a soldier stood,
his story ready to tell,
St Peter said, 'no need my son all is understood,
Go right in cos you've already served your time in Hell'
the only way NSW will go back to back![]()
Wow 22 to 2 at half time. If NSW are to get back into this they need to cut out the dirty tactics and consintrate on playing positive footy.
They may also want to pay the refs more than Qld!!!! What a joke!!!
Settle petal!! You grubs just can't do it.