Hi Folks
I've been a member for the last 5 years, reading with interest and gaining lots of knowledge on all things boating and fishing from this website, so now I thought I'd share my latest venture with you, and hopefully gain some advice and handy hints along the way (I think I'm going to need them).
I've always been a fan of the old Haines hulls, having owned an old 17R for a few years until we built our house and I had to sell the boatto put the cash into the house build. That was 10 years ago now, and I was boatless for about 7 years until I bought a 16ft c/console tinny a few years ago. Now this boat has served me well, getting the salt back in the gills so to speak, but the constant floggings on choppy days, and nowhere to hide on cold winter nights, has got me wishing for something that will give a better ride, protection from the elements, and the ability to get offshore again. So I was excited to find out that such an opportunity was laying right under my nose, waiting for someone to take on a challenge. I must point out that in my initial discussions with the minister of finance and war, it was stressed to me that if I was to take this on, the tinny has to go, and there is no surplus in the budget to fund such a venture. She is quite adamant that I fund the project from the tinny sale, and whatever else of mine that I need to sell to bring this off. Luckily I've been planning this for some time, and the cookie jar has been reasonably stocked
to assist me with my mission. Anyway, enough on the back ground, onto the project. I came across an old Haines V19R in a paddock just around the corner from home, and after a few enquiries, it turned out that I knew it's owner through a friend, and after a few discussions, a (very good) deal was done to land it in my possession. The boat had broken down on its last voyage about 2 years ago, and had to be towed back to shore. Turns out that the water cooling line that goes to the tell tale split, and pumped water into the carbies, and into the block of the motor. A mechanic had a look at it for him and basically told him the motor is cactus and not worth fixing. Rather than getting a second opinion, the boat was left in the paddock to die a slow miserable death. So I've started the job of assessing what I thought would be the biggest issues with the boat, and after a few cuts in the floor, and a couple of holes drilled in the transom, all of my assumptions have been confirmed. Not a spot of dry plywood in the boat to be found. So I'm up for a full re build, which will give me the opportunity to customise the layout to suit what I want. I've posted a couple of photos of the boat in it's as purchased condition, and will attempt to keep the thread updated on a weekly basis as the project progresses. The home made wheel house in the photos is the first thing that will disappear, no opening windows, claustrophobic space, I was nearly seasick sitting in there having a look at what was salvageable. I'll try not to ramble on so much in future posts, now that you all have a back ground on where this is at.