Hi Guys,
New to the forums and am seeking some help.
I am looking to get back on the water after several years of absence and I’m struggling to find solid info on a good fishing platform at a budget (maybe they don’t exist and I just need to stick with charters).
Previously I was fishing from a 7m Bar Crusher based on the Central Coast of NSW but had to sell it to front a deposit for the family house.
Now I’m shopping around on the used / cheap end of the market, looking for something that has offshore capability (on a good weather day) to get out to the reefs and beyond to chase kings etc.
I have been looking around the 5m mark, under 20k and the only boat that really stands out is the Webster Twinfisher’s but I have read mixed reviews. I have been in one several years ago and I didn’t notice anything super stand out apart from the obvious cat turning under power.
In an ideal world I would like something that offers some protection from chop / cold wind in the winter, so I have been avoiding centre console for that purpose. I have been looking at alloy boats and avoiding glass due to the weight and something that doesn’t have an antique engine on it would be great as I wont be able to afford to replace any time soon.
I am open to any and all suggested and will do some research into anything you can give me.
Really appreciate the advice in advance.