Two Saturdays ago, on what was supposed to be a liesurely drive towing my ski up north, I was not happy.
The condition of the roads was just plain awful. How did I get into such dusty, bumpy, corrugated roads while dodging cows and kangaroos?

Ever heard of fences?
And the signage was just plain un-welcoming.
There were even bullet holes in a section of the sign as some sort of business-review.
Then finally I arrived at this place called Stanage and got out of the 4WD at their funny looking 2 lane boat ramp so that I could question why there is actually 100m of mud between the ramp and the water. When I step out I am up to my ankles in mud.
My vehicle and jet ski were already brown with dust and there was no phone reception to call RACQ for assistance.
And THAT is when I found out that the town lives on rain water and you are NOT allowed to wash your vehicle or jet ski. And then it started to rain heavily.
Then I drove some 200m to the house I was staying at to be greeted by two men. Let's call them Netmaker and Murf.
They were cooking fish and chips for dinner. I saw cryovac bags marked 'coral trout/1770'.... so.... no local fish on our first night??
It was a miserable introduction to the place. And it was about to get a whole lot worse....