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New to Hervey Bay
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Thread: New to Hervey Bay

  1. #1

    Talking New to Hervey Bay

    G'day lady's and gents

    Being new to the forum I thought I would ask some advice from some more experienced anglers then myself , in concerns to the lack of luck iv had since moving to the Hervey Bay Area for work. Having moved here in February for work I thought it would be the dream fishing location after moving from Brisbane.However sadly having given it a real good wack over the time I have had very little success compared to everywhere else I've fished in the past . Iv got a 460 renagade with a 60 merc and have tried al few of the obvious spots eg big woody arty's, moon ledge ect using plastics ,baits and hard body's and yer no luck at all. My real love is reef fishing and bottom fishing but don't have any good spots for it down this far. I was just wondering if anyone could give me some advice , gps marks or know of anyone I could help/ pay to show us around to help a bloke out I'd really appreciate it I'm at my whits end!!

    look forward to reading your replys
    cheers .

  2. #2

    Re: New to Hervey Bay

    Ausfish member, Chong, is at Maryborough, he should be able to steer you in the right direction

  3. #3

    Re: New to Hervey Bay

    Thank for the advice Rob I really appreciate it.
    How would I get in touch with him ? Sorry still really new at this.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: New to Hervey Bay

    It can be a hard place to fish most of the close stuff is shallow reef which usually fishes better in the dark as well as the right tides.I think the arti is hard to fish most times there is to much run and to much bait, moon ledge has good fish at times best fished at night. I hope you can find a feed somewhere good luck.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Addict bluefin59's Avatar
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    New to Hervey Bay

    Jump on the fishntales forum it's a Hervey Bay based site that is full of info on the bay ,it's not so well patronised these days but has a few die hards and some good info on the site . Matt
    A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......

  6. #6

    Re: New to Hervey Bay

    Thanks Shaun for the tips sounds like nights the go hey have you ever fish watumba and or platypus bay ? If so how do they go for trout ,snapper ,lipper ect ?

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: New to Hervey Bay

    Yeah I have a couple times mainly chasing pelagics there is some coffee rock near Wathumba creek and few spots near the Arch cliffs for reefies I have fished for snapper up near Ronneys. Most of the spots around are pretty small and get hammered often but still produce good fish if fished correctly.

  8. #8

    Re: New to Hervey Bay

    Yer that's what I'm finding reef spots are few and far between hey and even the drop off go straight to flat bottom. Roony's sounds good but it's quite the hike for a 60hp and I don't have any marks up that way. You don't have any marks to get me bearing off do ya for any decent bottom in any of those areas do ya mate ?

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: New to Hervey Bay

    There was a post on here not long ago with a heap of the general marks for the area I started with most of these and still use some of them. If you can't find it there are a heap on google some are handy spots

  10. #10

    Re: New to Hervey Bay

    Hi Schilfy,

    Here are a list of general GPS marks, sorry mate I don't have any secret spots. They have been cut and paste from the fishntales site that bluefin mentioned ( ). There is some good info on the site and I am unsure why but when I search for it I have to type in and it redirects me despite the URL being .com . But if I type in .com I end up with a Canadian doctor trying to sell me dick medicine I hope this helps. John

    Hervey Bay GPS Marks
    Submit GPS Co-ordinates
    (Roy Rufus Artificial)
    25 16 182
    152 57 866
    Cod, Coral Bream, Squire, Blackall and pelagic's
    Wooden Barge
    (Roy Rufus Artificial)
    25 16 388
    152 57 350
    Cod, Coral Bream, Squire, Blackall and pelagic's WGS-84
    (Roy Rufus Artificial)
    25 16 450
    152 58 154
    Cod, Coral Bream, Squire, Blackall and pelagic's WGS-84
    (Roy Rufus Artificial)
    25 17 021
    152 58 230
    Cod, Coral Bream, Squire, Frying Pan Snapper, Nannygai and Scarlet Sea Perch WGS-84
    Bait Grounds 25 15 538
    152 55 354
    Live Baits WGS-84
    Nimbi Ledge North 25 16 536
    153 00 489
    Cod, Coral Bream WGS-84
    Bogimba Ledge 25 17 863
    153 02 097
    Parrot, Cod
    and Pelagic's
    8 Mile Burrum Heads
    25 09 689
    152 43 977
    Reef Fish and pelagic's
    25 Fathom Hole 24 55 246
    152 48 042
    Reef Fish
    6 Mile Arch Cliff 25 04 124
    153 04 836
    Reef Fish and pelagic's
    Moon ledge 25 12 803
    152 59 099
    Reef Fish and pelagic's
    Sammies 25 10 958
    152 59 912
    Mixture of Reef Fish snapper etc
    Maringa Bommie 25 11 086
    153 00 886
    Mixture of Reef Fish snapper etc
    Wathumba Coffee Rock 24 57 165
    153 13 297
    Snapper and Trevally
    Wathumba One Mile 24 57 466
    153 11 831
    Mixture of Reef Fish snapper etc

  11. #11

    Re: New to Hervey Bay

    Thank you John I really appreciate the effort and don't worry I don't expect secret spots lol just something to get my bearings with which these should just fine so thanks mate. Have you tried any of these yourself?

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: New to Hervey Bay

    Have a look for the thread cyclone Nathan spoils our trip back in march in the saltwater section more good stuff in there but be careful I think something are in the green zone now

  13. #13

    Re: New to Hervey Bay

    Hi Schilfy,

    I have fished around the Arti and found some Trevally, but have since sold the boat and now fish from the beach with my two boys (2 and 4).
    Good luck. John

  14. #14

    Re: New to Hervey Bay

    I spent 5 yrs fishing there, and the Arti can be hard to crack, but it does hold good fish. The real key is dealing with high current. So you need to think about how much sinker to use, how much line to let out, and then how far back to anchor up, so that you bait is in the zone. Even after all that, you can only fish it one hour either side of the tide change. The marks are easy to get, as per above post, or in booklets at local tackle shops.

    For more on plastics, and spots further up, have a look at any post from Scotto on this site, or fish n tales, or acctive angler......Check his old posts for great snapper and long tail tuna tactics with plastics.
    Fishing- It's only an addiction if you're trying to quit.

  15. #15

    Re: New to Hervey Bay

    Hi everyone,

    thanks so much for all the advice and I apologise for the extreemly slow reply between moving and dealing with the worst internet in the world Iv struggled to log on to the site. However all the info has been really helpful and finally I have a grasp on a few decent spots and technique that works which I'm happy to help others out with if they are in the this neck of the woods also I would love to catch up with any Hervey Bay locals for a trip or two soon. Anyway thanks heaps for all the advice guys

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