G'day lady's and gents
Being new to the forum I thought I would ask some advice from some more experienced anglers then myself , in concerns to the lack of luck iv had since moving to the Hervey Bay Area for work. Having moved here in February for work I thought it would be the dream fishing location after moving from Brisbane.However sadly having given it a real good wack over the time I have had very little success compared to everywhere else I've fished in the past . Iv got a 460 renagade with a 60 merc and have tried al few of the obvious spots eg big woody arty's, moon ledge ect using plastics ,baits and hard body's and yer no luck at all. My real love is reef fishing and bottom fishing but don't have any good spots for it down this far. I was just wondering if anyone could give me some advice , gps marks or know of anyone I could help/ pay to show us around to help a bloke out I'd really appreciate it I'm at my whits end!!
look forward to reading your replys
cheers .