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5.2 kevlacat prop advice - Page 3
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Thread: 5.2 kevlacat prop advice

  1. #31

    Re: 5.2 kevlacat prop advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Flex View Post
    Anything less and the nose starts to fall down ever so slightly into the face of next wave. If you push it harder the nose is always going upwards and softens the ride.

    The issue was running at above 50km/h with twin 60's puts motors in self destruct range for rpm's.
    Thanks flex, I know what you mean about the nose dropping that bit around the 40kmh mark, it seems to come down alot harder than at 50. At 50 it seems like there was very little boat in the water, so didn't want to come unstuck having too much lift. Are these hulls designed to come almost completly out the water between waves?

    I also agree about having to run them hard, 4800-5000rpm seems about the spot. I am half tempted to go to the bigger pods for a bit better floatation in the rear and that bit more waterline length, however don't know if it is really necessary with the 60's. My current motors have low hours and 40-50kmh cruise is fine for me, so I will get some use from them before looking into the 90s down the track.

  2. #32
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Re: 5.2 kevlacat prop advice

    if there is any boat designed to jump from wave to wave its a cat

    All depends how hard you want to push it, each person has their own level of

    Often wave jumping does wash a bit of speed off if you go to high so its nice to keep it gliding across consistently. Especially with low torque motors they can bog down easy and slow you down so your constantly going from 35-42km/h the whole trip. The 5.2 performs very well with 60s and amazing with 90's. So I wouldn't be disappointed with the 60's.

    The 5.2 with 60's is a damn nice boat. But I sold mine as I travel up to 150km out at times and it just to slow for me I was always pushing the motors at 5200rpm+. But as I mentioned all depends on where and how you fish.

  3. #33
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Mar 2006

    Re: 5.2 kevlacat prop advice


    I have talked to a guy who has installed suzuki 90 4strokes with the newer pods , they fit but need to plug existing holes and re-drill for the new , they do fit and are made to accept the 25 " leg , he said that it absolutely transformed the boat into a weapon the shear power provided effortless performance.

  4. #34

    Re: 5.2 kevlacat prop advice

    Wahoo, I have Dean's old KC now and considering that I'll need to have these F60's last until one of the manufacturers releases a 90hp four stroke under 120kg, I felt uneasy with WOT topping out at 5400-5500 RPM.

    I took the props in to Craig at Solas and had him shave them. Fantastic bloke that knows his shit. I took the boat out Sunday with full tanks, ice and 3POB. Top speed at WOT on almost glass conditions was 57km/h at 5800 rpm into a light breeze. I'm happy with those figures now.
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  5. #35

    Re: 5.2 kevlacat prop advice

    Lovey80 thats great info thanks mate. How much did you have shaved off? Was it the diameter of the prop you reduced or the cupping?

  6. #36

    Re: 5.2 kevlacat prop advice

    Quote Originally Posted by wahoofishingcrew View Post
    Lovey80 thats great info thanks mate. How much did you have shaved off? Was it the diameter of the prop you reduced or the cupping?
    A bit of both actually. The tips of the blades were rounded off a bit and about 5mm of the forward edge of the blades came off.
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  7. #37

    Re: 5.2 kevlacat prop advice

    Thanks mate,that performance with 3pob sounds about as good as it gets with the 60s. Are your props the alloy solas amita 13.5x15p or the stock yammys? I posted mine down to craig today, be interesting to see how it goes on my mercs.

  8. #38

    Re: 5.2 kevlacat prop advice

    Mine are the standard Yammy's.
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  9. #39
    Ausfish Platinum Member Dean1's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Re: 5.2 kevlacat prop advice

    Interesting to see you had the props done. I was about to get them done the next week when I owned the boat if you didnt buy it. Sounds like it was worth the excercise! How is the old girl going mate? Have you been getting out in her much?
    No worries wahoo give me a buzz mate ill get you sorted with that its worth the effort trust me.

  10. #40

    Re: 5.2 kevlacat prop advice

    The KC is going nice. I've replaced the VHF and added an AM/FM last week. Replaced the ally spin outs in the back corners with Stainless ones (bound up and wouldn't come out). Replaced the helm seats with new ones and just had the box seats recovered. Installing a new chart plotter tomorrow and hopefully outriggers the next day. Just did the 400 hour service and they are still going like new. Have an issue with the trim and tilt to sort out also.
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  11. #41

    Re: 5.2 kevlacat prop advice

    Sounds like you need to shave the 15" ones or get a heap of cup on the 13" ones. A SS 15" will be better than an alloy one. SS is more efficient as it bites more and doesn't flex.

  12. #42

    Re: 5.2 kevlacat prop advice

    Just a quick update, Shane from Solas called after receiving my props that I sent to be trimmed. He said as they are Solas design and not yammy that was really against trimming them. He thinks trying a 14p is a better option and says it should lift the revs a bit without affecting the speed very much. I have my doubts on this but he is the prop expert. The props are still new so he is sending 14ps to try at no charge so its worth the exercise. If its no good Ill insist on getting the 15s trimmed s bit. I was surprised hiw against it he was, he said its a bit of a last resort and they usually only take 1/8inch off at a time as its very much a trial and see type thing and is easy to mess up then you're stuck with props that are only good for paperweights. Sounds like Craig did a great job first up on your props tho lovey80 so will be interesting to see what happens

  13. #43

    Re: 5.2 kevlacat prop advice

    If yours are the solar props they will be a different shape to the Yammy ones so maybe that's where Craig is suggesting the shaving won't be worth it. He knows what he's talking about so you should be right following his advice.
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  14. #44

    Re: 5.2 kevlacat prop advice

    If they have 14" that sounds to be the go. Craig has been around the traps for ever. I remember him at Caloundra Marine when Flynny had it and all the BASS guys went there.

  15. #45

    Re: 5.2 kevlacat prop advice

    Cheers Smithy I'll give them a go, just hope I don't loose too much speed again. I was talking with Shane from Solas, he has been a great help with previous boats I have propped. If the 14s are no good I will try and get hold of Criag and see what he thinks too. Hopefully will get to give them a run this weekend and will let you know how they go

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