Have adblock plus but still getting the malware warning every day...
Have adblock plus but still getting the malware warning every day...
F5 (refresh) can fix it as it runs off to get a different ad to display
Same thing but what happens when that ad comes around once you're logged on.
Addblock plus will still receive the web address of the add, it just does not load the content. The error is because there is a suspicious web address, hence the reason you still see the warning.
If you use chrome as your web browser, you will also get the typical chrome warning.
Like steve said, as long as you dont click on the add, you wont have a problem. IF you are using addblock, you wont see the add anyway, so no need to worry.
Should be all good soon. Have had a response from google. It appears to be a mix of things. Script injected into code, outdated users browsers injecting the code due to a security issue and link in google ads being reported as suspect.
suggest you make sure your browser is up to date and antivirus software is updated.
Steve Brown
Do Not Feed The Trolls