Originally Posted by
Bobby you weren't the quiet achiever when I met you a few years back. I remember seeing the email chain you would send to 50+ people each trip.... I enjoyed reading them.
the last trip you and Outaline Mic done was a cracker a im sure the guys on here would of appreciated a post...
As as I said rob I only got on here to throw a post up to meet others to help fill the boat when short for crew. It's turned out bloody unreal meeting guys like Back in black, Ferral cat, bull, snapper Basher, Outaline, Outwide, dick treacy, hookinin, overdraft, Megabite, graham, cod Wallup, horse, Rosco, Gofishin, part time and then there's the myriad of other fellas who ive talked to and keen to get out for a fish with or that I've simply forgotten about. For me it's been the best thing I've done to meet other fisherman as opposed to joining a clicky club or group of blokes who act like Sheila's and are more interested about group activities rather than fishing.
Throw up your future posts bobby... You catch some good fish and can share a lot with these guys. Doesn't have to be a brag mat just a few pics here and there and when the fish chewed would be good.
Just remember If I didn't post you would never of met your #1 crew (Outaline) or Tony (back in black) or Gav (hookinin) or snapper Basher (locky) or cod Wallup (does he even have a real name) or Outwide (you still owe him a chart I remember you offering him one) or bull or God knows how many others.
its been worth the 20min effort to throw up a post so don't be shy big boy. You catch some good fish and sharing is caring.
i think the way Mic has wrote this could be taken out of context but he is right. It would be good to read a few more posts regardless of the catches.