Cleaning out my 60l blue poly esky last night, opened the lid to find one of the hinges was broken. Bugger!
On closer inspection the second hinge also pretty well stuffed.
It appears that the Thai manufacturer thought it was a good idea to use a mild steel pin for the hinge. Trouble was, to get the remaining broken section of pin out necessitated cutting the plastic because it was swollen and corroded in. Plus, it appears that the steel pins were installed then "welded over" as there was no way to get them out other than a hack job!
Got both pins out (one each hinge) now.
So, now the old steel rod is out, but the hinge bodies are a tad, well, butchered, and need to be plastic welded up so that I can then fit a new stainless rod through to create the new hinges. Well, that's the current plan anyway. If unable to do this, will most likely have to cut the old welded-on hinge bases off and fit some kind of replacement hinges. But would prefer to fix these ones if I can.
Anyone around here (Brisbane area) got a plastic welding kit, or know somewhere when I can get this done? Not a big job I wouldn't think.
Picture of said esky, in happier days, below for reference: