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Thread: Installing Dragonfly 4.3 on Kawasaki 310X

  1. #16

    Re: Installing Dragonfly 4.3 on Kawasaki 310X

    Thanks Macca,
    I think what you and Terry have done would be fine, just being a new ski, and my first, I'm getting the dealer to install it so there are now warranty issues. He has requested I get one with the correct In Hull transducer. Since Dragonfly don't make one, it looks like it might Garmin for me this time.

  2. #17

    Re: Installing Dragonfly 4.3 on Kawasaki 310X

    Ive got the bigger Original Dragonfly and sikaflexed a new old style transducer inside my boat, it works well but on a long trip out & back past tip of Moreton I noticed on the return that the depth was way low not accurate so turned off the transducer, have used it since without problem but only short bursts, on the boat i use it mainly for the Chartplotter. Maybe the old style transducer doesn't handle being used too long out of water. The image when working is really good. Aaron's newer transducer has not shown the same traits.

  3. #18

    Re: Installing Dragonfly 4.3 on Kawasaki 310X

    Quote Originally Posted by terryc View Post
    I forgot to mention that aaron had wired his unit up to the Ski battery
    Do you think that it will drain your battery to much.

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