G'day All, Went out to test a mates 5.5m Condor(WA glass company) with a 115HP Yamaha 2 stroke and the Package does not seem to have much Trim.(reference WOT 6000rpm)
Boat sits very flat in the water while travelling.Cruising at 4300 rpm(could not get the speedo to work) from motor full down the spray line out the side of the Hull is close to the middle of the Boat.
When you Trim the motor almost to a rooster tail the spray line only move back about a foot back along the Hull. I checked the motor height(trimmed) and could not see any of the Trim Plate, and only
see the leg joint above it. It has 4 holes in the Trim Plate were a Tab(Dolphin tail type I would guess) would have been at some stage. Would the Trim Tab make that much difference
or could there be other issues. "Your Thoughts on this"