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Cruise Craft 595 Outsider vs Seafarer Victory 6.0 vs Haines Signature 602F - Page 2
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Thread: Cruise Craft 595 Outsider vs Seafarer Victory 6.0 vs Haines Signature 602F

  1. #16

    Re: Cruise Craft 595 Outsider vs Seafarer Victory 6.0 vs Haines Signature 602F

    GBC is onto it again. That's the way to go new. Alloy trailer and a 4 stroke outboard and some nice electronics and you are away!

    Also what One More Drop had to say. I could live with a Tournament or whatever. You are only splitting hairs on brands for ride or whatever. 5% here and there when the chips are down. Once things get to 15-20knots of wind speed it doesn't matter what you are in you are going to feel it one way or another, some more than others though.

  2. #17

    Re: Cruise Craft 595 Outsider vs Seafarer Victory 6.0 vs Haines Signature 602F

    Quote Originally Posted by scottar View Post
    From the one example I saw and worked on, the level of fit out has been reduced with additions being classed as "extras" as against standard equipment. The workmanship in some areas could only be described as a "bit rough". The weight as advertised has also been reduced by about 100kg. This may well be that the weight of the once standard inclusions has been deducted as against a reduction in the material in the hull. Have a look at one for yourself though.
    I agree, I know for a fact the Tournament specs have changed and what was standard is now an extra. If anyone is interested, dig up the old Tournament site and compare it to the new one and you will see. I know this is the case with the T2000 Bluewater as that was the main one I was looking at.

  3. #18

    Re: Cruise Craft 595 Outsider vs Seafarer Victory 6.0 vs Haines Signature 602F

    Quote Originally Posted by gofishin View Post
    Yep! I reckon so too!

    One very important consideration Dave is the 'real' size of the boat. Don't let the sticker size/length fool you! Many boat makers have recently started including the bow sprit in the model/hull length, which can add 3 or 400mm to the "size".

    Get in them all, lie down in the cabin etc. Don't be scared to take a tape with you ... And use it!

    This is also true for new vs used. I.e. a current 575HS won't be the same boat/size as a 2 or 3 yr old version!

    Depending on how itchy the trigger finger is, if I were in your shoes, and thinking new, I would come up to the SCIBS on the Goldy in a few weeks. Should hopefully see them all together- but just check exhibitors list first.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Thanks guys, appreciating all the advice given here. I have travelled to all the east coast boat shows and 4x4 shows. I have met a lot of people and spoken to many dealers. Sydney doesn't have the same amount of boat on displays like QLD. It is so hard to see these in person sometimes. But I have gone round with the measuring tape already I would like to have a boat this year but do want to be 100% sure on decision as I wan't to keep this boat a long time for once!

    SCIBS - I thought this was for the big boats only? I remember asking AMC and they said they were not going, it's not really for trailer boats.

  4. #19

    Re: Cruise Craft 595 Outsider vs Seafarer Victory 6.0 vs Haines Signature 602F

    Quote Originally Posted by outta line View Post
    The victory is still built on the same shape hull .. It's the newer named seafarers that Haines have introduced into the range built on the traveler hull..

    You might want too ring and find out if they still build the 6M victory I think you will find they will try and talk you into a Haines than build a new victory .. That my just be a rumour I heard tho

    I have had 2 fry built boats one being a 6m victory . Just sold the victory not long ago Put 700 hours on it in 4.5 years with not one Scary moment .. I had a 200 Jon/ Suzuki on the back it was a bit bum heavy but the grunt was awesome.

    I would look look at the CC if you have the coin .. Or buy a older victory gut it repower/ rewire and so on spend the money you would buying a new boat .. I haven't herd of any problems with transoms/ hulls on the older fry built ones .. If there is it would be more from the add on (fit outs) that owners have done out side of factory fitout not sealing properly that would cause issues . Pm me if you want any more info on the victorys mate
    Yes the Victory is the same hull. They will still make it for you on order, it's just a shame they don't promote these boats anymore.

    I will send you a PM

  5. #20
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    May 2012

    Re: Cruise Craft 595 Outsider vs Seafarer Victory 6.0 vs Haines Signature 602F

    One boat you should look at in that size range is the Haines Hunter 585R. Much softer riding than any of the above mentioned boats. Awesome handling, heaps of room, stable, and will be good with either a 175 or 200hp 4 stroke. Second pick would be a Seafarer Victory, but unfortunately, as some have already mentioned, only a Lindsay Fry built one. The rest, meh.

  6. #21

    Re: Cruise Craft 595 Outsider vs Seafarer Victory 6.0 vs Haines Signature 602F

    I just don't like the Haines Hunter 585R for some reason.

    No love for the Haines Signature though!

  7. #22

    Re: Cruise Craft 595 Outsider vs Seafarer Victory 6.0 vs Haines Signature 602F

    Quote Originally Posted by stang69 View Post
    One boat you should look at in that size range is the Haines Hunter 585R. Much softer riding than any of the above mentioned boats. Awesome handling, heaps of room, stable, and will be good with either a 175 or 200hp 4 stroke. Second pick would be a Seafarer Victory, but unfortunately, as some have already mentioned, only a Lindsay Fry built one. The rest, meh.
    Only thing with Haines Hunter is suspect quality control as per the thread doing the rounds here a while back - even if half of it was true I would be exceptionally wary of forking over hard earned for one of these. The rigs mentioned by GBC are the cream of the crop if you want to run hard but it comes at a price per kilometre due to the extra ponies required to make these hulls perform at their optimum. The others if set up and driven to conditions are all capable rigs though. Sometimes it is nicer to just set the boat to the seas, put the pilot on and relax.

  8. #23
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    May 2012

    Re: Cruise Craft 595 Outsider vs Seafarer Victory 6.0 vs Haines Signature 602F

    oceanic dave, I think the reason you dont like the 585R is because you havent been in one in choppy conditions.
    As for suspect quality control, there are horror stories with all of the boats mentioned so far. Considering Haines Hunter are the biggest selling glass boat in the country, one suspect post on a forum wouldnt put me off buying one.

  9. #24
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Mar 2004

    Re: Cruise Craft 595 Outsider vs Seafarer Victory 6.0 vs Haines Signature 602F

    Quote Originally Posted by Oceanic Dave View Post
    ... SCIBS - I thought this was for the big boats only?...
    Generally yes, all depends on the Exhibitors. Some years have been quite good for trailer boats, others not so.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oceanic Dave View Post
    ... I would like to have a boat this year but do want to be 100% sure on decision...
    Then wait until Melb show in June (?), normally packed with all types of t/boats - or at least it was in 2011 or 12 when I last went.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oceanic Dave View Post
    ... I wan't to keep this boat a long time for once!...
    So why were your last boats not kept so long, any particular reason? Wrong type/not used/problems?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  10. #25

    Re: Cruise Craft 595 Outsider vs Seafarer Victory 6.0 vs Haines Signature 602F

    I thought there was a new show running against the Sanctuary Cove one this year for the smaller boats????? Can't remember who or where I heard it from.

  11. #26
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
    Gold Coast

    Re: Cruise Craft 595 Outsider vs Seafarer Victory 6.0 vs Haines Signature 602F

    There is a second boat show that used to be on at a different time but this year they are both on at the same time. The marine expo has on site parking and has a lower admission charge than the sanctury cove show which can only be got to by bus from remote car parks. (not sure where they want you to park and ride from this year)

    See here for marine expo details

    (Marine expo "about us" stuff
    The Expo is a not-for-profit association staged by the marine industry leaders, for the marine industry and was founded in 2011. The Expo partners are Riviera, Gold Coast City Marina & Shipyard, Quintrex, International Paint, Clipper Motor Yachts, Stefan Boating World and The Boat Works.
    The Expo’s key driver is to entice and educate the public to explore and learn all the exciting possibilities that “boating” and getting out on the water has to offer.
    The Expo’s primary charter is to stage the event at minimal cost outlay to exhibitors and only seek to recover direct costs. There is no requirement to make a profit from the running of this event.
    The voluntary committee’s focus from day one has been the return on investment for all exhibitors. As a result, you will see and experience a more streamlined approach to the Expo. It’s a more back-to-basics event focused on the long-term success of its exhibitors and the ultimate visitation experience for the boating public.)


  12. #27

    Re: Cruise Craft 595 Outsider vs Seafarer Victory 6.0 vs Haines Signature 602F

    Cheers Chimo. Good to see a show going back to being a "show" instead of a fundraiser for the BIA. It can only be a good thing to get the industry participating again.

  13. #28

    Re: Cruise Craft 595 Outsider vs Seafarer Victory 6.0 vs Haines Signature 602F

    Quote Originally Posted by gofishin View Post

    So why were your last boats not kept so long, any particular reason? Wrong type/not used/problems?
    Well when I started boating it was a little tinny. Lke anything else, after time and practice you just want bigger and better. You start to learn the things you want on a boat, what is essential, what meets your requirements. All the boats I have had, I have purchased with not many extras. So i fit them out and then sell them. I enjoy building them up a little. I keep things on average for about a year. Same with my cars, just a bad habit in a way. But now I have found a car I want to keep, so now I want to find a boat I can keep. Tired of changing over! But must be a boat that ticks all the boxes this time.

  14. #29

    Re: Cruise Craft 595 Outsider vs Seafarer Victory 6.0 vs Haines Signature 602F

    Oceanic dave I've sent you a pm mate 👍

  15. #30

    Re: Cruise Craft 595 Outsider vs Seafarer Victory 6.0 vs Haines Signature 602F

    List of nice boats here.
    I have a Lindsay Fry Seafarer Vag. Got one because of the transom design and stability. Just happens they ride very well (with tabs). Have had a wave come up the front couple times now but not near as bad as my old boat and not as bad as some mates who have done windscreen and Bimini damage.
    Not a lot of room for sleeping but deck room is awsome.
    There are plenty of boats that could do with a wave breaker on the windshield like Edencraft but they are not there because of cosmetics.
    All boats have a sweet spot. Mine has twins so goes slow very well which is great when it really blows. Always liked the cosmetics drom cruise craft but loved the thought of smashing the sea in an Eden craft.
    Most boats have something to offer depending on your stile. That is what i shopped for.

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