The weather was looking good for the weekend to do an over nighter of 1770 so i sent out a message to a few of the guys that i have promised a trip to over the last year or so. In the end I was able to rustle up George, Gav (Hookinin) & Dick (Dick Tracey) for the voyage. the boys were keen and didnt mind doing a few k's so i headed south to the northern end of the break sea keen to find some ground and start hitting the deeper water. Something I've wanted to do for some time now but with the boat not going as well as I would of liked Ive been unable too.
We headed up to 1770 on Thursday night after work with a pretty good run other than getting a bird stuck in my F350's grill. We smashed a few beers until about 12.30am before hitting the sack for a 5am start (never again!!!!!!!!!...DICK). After fuelling up on Friday morning and heading down to the break sea we arrived at about 9am. On arrival we went over a small lump and with Gavin's first drop resulted in a 8kg red and the other boys caught a few mixed reef. Not wanting to waste time we headed out wide and fished the 250 mtr line with a few flames caught and pearlies. The fishing was slow so we headed nth towards Elliott marking some ground for future trips but as the late afternoon came closer we only had a few fish in the box. I was feeling a little guilty for the guys although they didn't mind and were having a god time and decided to take the boys nth back to Fitzroy for the night. It was another long haul but in good conditions and company it went quick and before we new it we were in Fitzroy lagoon knocking back a box of coldies and having a great feed and sleep.
The following morning with limited fuel we headed nth of Sykes and fished around the area and caught a feed. it was slow going and to be honest we weren't really prepared as i had planned to do the deep dropping for the trip and not anything but. As it turned out we caught another half a dozen reds and found some good areas for next time.
Back at the ramp we met Greg & Terry Lampetch & Foxy. Really nice guys and I can see why these fellas have such a good reputation. Those guys must go hard as they looked rooted. Sorry fellas if I seemed short I was still dizzy from driving my boat around qld..
Total distance traveled by boat was a little over 450k's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! total fishing time approx 10hrs........WTF was I thinking...
Funny thing is Im going back down there next trip... 1 way ticket this
Big thanks to Gav, Dick and George. Fellas it's guys like you that make these sort of trips so special. I can honestly say i had a better time this trip although we spent the whole time trying to run out of fuel than others where we have quadrupled the catch. I know we didn't have much fishing time over the two days but i had a great time over all including the drive up and back. Cheers fellas much appreciated and look forward to doing it again.
I would like to note to anyone taking DickTreacy fish is DO NOT GIVE HIM A KNIFE TO CUT YOUR LINE!!!!!!!! when hooked up to a shark.... There's nothing quite like winding in 150 kgs of shark for 10 minutes to then watch someone stab that shark in the eye with a knife and forget to cut your line.... end result another 5 minutes winding to only watch him do it again.....WTF
PS.... Gav can you please move closer to the freeway and buy a block with less contours.
Cod Wallup.. Andrew... Your next champ!!