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Cairns Land Based Help/ Meet Up
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Thread: Cairns Land Based Help/ Meet Up

  1. #1

    Cairns Land Based Help/ Meet Up

    Hi all,
    This is my first forum post ever but was hoping to get some information (or if I was really lucky a local to go fishing with) about the Cairns land based fishing scene.
    A friend and myself are heading up to cairns between the 10th and 18th of October and are hopelessly optimistic in catching something big!
    GT's are our main goal but anything that will put some new land based gear to the test wether it be sharks or ANYTHING would be amazing.
    From reading the other forums it seems the GT's land based will be a stretch in this area although it does look like there are a few rock ledges around an hours drive but not sure how accessible they are?
    We have a charter on the cards for one of the days but all the other days we plan on fishing non stop we literally have no other plans!
    Any local knowledge or help at all would be awesome all we've got so far is to try Palm Cove jetty but it seems the best we might do there is a big shark? Is there GT's at all there?
    Thanks in advance for any help and I hope I've put this in the right forum section!?

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  2. #2

    Re: Cairns Land Based Help/ Meet Up

    Gday fishing fiend, I grew up in Townsville as a young fella, we chased gt's ( and anything else) off the rockwall at the breakwater casino, it wasn't uncommon to get 30kg plus models off there! Its not cairns but its up that way!

  3. #3

    Re: Cairns Land Based Help/ Meet Up

    Thanks for the info Cods Wallup!
    This is kind of why we are planning it early so that if there are awesome spots, like that rockwall definitely looks on google maps, we can maybe adjust the trip to cater.
    Any other cool spots like these are gonna help heaps so thanks again!
    I'm keen to get some GT's on poppers and lures but any information in regards to bait fishing for them for example rigs, baits and hook sizes I'd love to hear also, and thanks again in advance!

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  4. #4

    Re: Cairns Land Based Help/ Meet Up

    The Lucinda wharf (not the sugar jetty) awesome spot and under utilised.

  5. #5

    Re: Cairns Land Based Help/ Meet Up

    Reading up on that Lucinda Wharf it looks pretty crazy!
    Thanks FNQCairns.

    Is it true they get bluefin of there and what sort of techniques are likely to produce the goods? Lures? Bait? Drifting livies under balloons? Any help is much appreciated!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #6

    Re: Cairns Land Based Help/ Meet Up

    Hi again I have only ever fished from the spot for a 2 week stint on and off but that was near 15 years ago and most time was spent boating, a session on some large Trevally is my strongest memory from that wharf. Largely any rig or fishing style will work as conditions allow but live bait is the only true gun no matter how it's set out .

    Can be strong flow past the front and under so design to come along a big sinker setup to help anchor and slow 'troll' a livey in-situ or swim a dead fish bait even at different angles out from fishing deck height of the wharf if you know what I mean, like when fishing a corner or in good flow to help separate baits.

    The wharf makes for great structure directly below too and all manor of different potential baits....baits can be as big up here as good table fish down there.

    I wouldn't doubt if at the right time even small marlin could be possible, it's one of those more rarer spots....almost anything depending on the luck of the day or night.

    Stood mouth open at patches of the largest individual saltwater barramundi scales I have ever seen grouped around on the deck of that wharf like to get me one of them one day and yet the place is next to deserted the majority of time.


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