Hi guys
Just put some money down on my new boat!!! woo hoo. waved goodbye to the 5.2 kevlacat, and soon il have a flash re furbished sharkcat sportsman in the driveway. its one of the nicest ive ever seen. bigger beds and deck area then the kc, and I recon it will ride a little better too. and best bit its a factory podded one, which is rare as hens teeth. a few members on here know the boat very well.
now back to my question, the floor is in pretty good nic but its the original floor. I think the tanks are 120l a side but a very strong fuel smell has come out of one of the hatches (possible cracked tank) ?, so im thinking of pulling up the floor and getting new larger tanks put in, I believe there stainless tanks glassed in.
now anyone done this process in a sharkie ? any help would be appreciated.
im thinking of cutting floor out bout 100mm from the sides and doing all the tank stuff then putting new laminated ply down then glassing over floor and overlapping onto the 100mm bit around the edge ?
anyway that's my plan. any comments would be appreciated.