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Thread: What year is this engine?

  1. #1

    What year is this engine?

    I need to know the year so I can get the correct tilt tube. The tilt tube has seized on one side. It's made in the USA but the serial number has faded. I've tried WD40, propane and a big hammer. Any constructive ideas?
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  2. #2

    Re: What year is this engine?

    Cut it of flush with the mount bracket, then run a hacksaw cut up the inside to collapse it.

  3. #3

    Re: What year is this engine?

    cover look like the old 1990-1995

  4. #4

    Re: What year is this engine?

    1994 1996 model. I had a 75HP the same decals

  5. #5

    Re: What year is this engine?

    Think you will find the part you are after covers pretty much all Merc / Mar sml HP o/boards

    Merc 17-13195

    Even with a crappy AUS $ at present i still find purchasing Merc / Mar parts from the US good value.

    Purchase some plugs and an impellar while you are at it for future use eh.


  6. #6

    Re: What year is this engine?

    idk didnt notice the 20hp.... wouldnt it cheaper and less hassle to just buy new? but ebay normally a good place for parts

    tch AU currency owns im making big load with it going back and forward at 75-77... but do expect it to get worst with the new bills gov is trying to fly otherwise 70 coming soon if that stupid bill pass

  7. #7

    Re: What year is this engine?

    Hope this is some help

  8. #8

    Re: What year is this engine?

    does this model just have a serial number or a model number too? if its just a serial number u can find the round aluminium peice pressed into the block this has your engines serial number than go on and look up your engine

    those cowlings fit many years but i think all those engines are the same as with mariner and i think yamaha CV

    as for your tilt tube u can remove it and have the steering pressed out of it

  9. #9

    Re: What year is this engine?

    I had a siezed steering rod in a tilt tube and nothing would get it out. Ended up buying a tin of inox and after a few soaks ended up freeing it.

  10. #10

    Re: What year is this engine?

    Thanks for the replies. Gazza2006 - I did notice the round pieace of aluminium with numbering on it, thanks for the info. I had thought about trying what Gon Fishun suggested as a last resort. This engine is tiller steer so there is no steering rod to deal with. It steers ok but the tilt action is seized. You need to put a lot of force on the bottom of leg, using it as a leaver, to lift or lower the engine.

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