Hi all new here but been reading site for a while getting valuable knowledge, great site!
after buying a boat I had to replace steering cable, long story but I had to knock out tilt tube due to bent rod, of course with my luck as I went to put tube back in I had to move motor to line up hole all of 1-2 mm and it turned into epic day of sweat. It ended up with motor almost hitting ground pulling bolts thru inner skin, I then had to rip over and hire a engine hoist to get my 5min job done.
I had no idea transom was toast as it seemed ok but either way I would rather find out now instead of mid jumpinpin bar..
So like I said I reserched site for all the tips etc
I started last sunday by taking motor off but after a massive downpour the hoist sunk into soft ground so I had to improvise on where motor was going to be stored.
Today I marked and cut off arse end of boat
It was hard to prise off outer skin but managed to get it off in one peice with no issues.
Started to dig out some of the loose stuff....all going ok