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Thread: 1770 on the New Moon

  1. #16

    Re: 1770 on the New Moon

    Quote Originally Posted by bannana View Post
    Mate give the 100mtr line a crack (with electric reels and soft rod if possible) mid morning when the trout slow down... Great way to fill the box and get plenty of big pearlies and snapper so good value adding to your bag. As for the Reds just make sure your baits and hooks are big enough to have a hussar attacking your bait for 15 mins without getting hooked (brings in the bigger predators and gives them confidence to attack your bait) so tough bait like chinaman or Spaniard is the go.. They are easy mate once your get your first bag on reds or trout it just gets easier and easier. You've cracked the trout so the Reds won't be far away. Good luck Graham.
    I am probably wrong, as I usually am, but I though chinaman was a no take species??

    Just sayin.......

  2. #17

    Re: 1770 on the New Moon

    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    I am probably wrong, as I usually am, but I though chinaman was a no take species??

    Just sayin.......
    Tony you are right mate...Keith does not take them they are released, but usually don't swim to well minus the fillets!

  3. #18

    Re: 1770 on the New Moon

    Thanks for that valuable information.
    I'll lock that one into my memory bank

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