Boats almost there mate... Just waiting on a few electronics bits and pieces and I'm there. I'll take the boat up next week at this rate so if the weathers good next week end I'll do a bit of recon and grab a few reds while I'm up there.
Boats almost there mate... Just waiting on a few electronics bits and pieces and I'm there. I'll take the boat up next week at this rate so if the weathers good next week end I'll do a bit of recon and grab a few reds while I'm up there.
What on earth are you bolting into it now Keith? The thing will have more electronics than an aircraft carrier LOL. How did you get on with the pod extensions and fuel tank - did you get the desired result ?
Looks like the weather is playing the game!!!!
Like usual
Central Coast Weather Forecast
We might just be in luck. Keep ya fingers crossed.
I could play havoc with the weather and tell you I am coming up ..... but sadly that's not the case, so it will be fine!! Hope you blokes are rewarded for your efforts.
weather starting to look very average, hopefully it calms down for you boys so you can get out there, not looking promising however.
what site you looking at, sunday looks unreal
Fridays looking better, we'll be heading up Thursday night still and coming back in Sunday so any night is good for us for a drink.
Either way it looks like its going to be a wet weekend.
Damn this weather is all over the place!
We're pulling the pin on leaving tonight but will keep an eye on the forecast and maybe get a window for an over nighter sat/ssun or sun/mmon.