What could go wrong.......................
I bought Primus ones cause I thought I may have gotten a better quality unit.........Nup........Primus used to be a good brand years ago....
Confidence.......the feeling you get before you fully understand the situation.
The recommendation of returning cookers if you have proof of purchase is totally bogus as the cookers at the time had Compliance certification and were sold legally. Unless fair trading is going to compensate the retailer for all returned cookers and all cookers currently in stock plus loss of profit from sales they are simply blowing smoke.
The cookers will be back on the shelves within 6 months with minor changes and kits to make old cookers compliant.
Used mine tonight. Didn't explode cylinder didn't get hot. Just followed the instructions ie no oversized pans/woks/grill plates. Still have 10 canisters. Hopefully this load of bs is sorted before I run out. As someone has on their signature, if you make something fool proof than you will find a bigger fool. Or words to that effect. Let Darwinism take its course and let the rest of us get on with life.
They have said if you purchased a cooker that was NON compliant then you can return them with a proof of purchase
If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular???
They will have to pry mine from my cold dead fingers! (they might be slightly charred)
I note the "exploded" one on the NSW notice has the cover upside down. None of mine will engage the cylinder with the lid top like that - so you can not light it when it is not turned right way up.
A question [as no longer have instructions].
If a cylinder was half used and then cooker was being transported,
have people been dis-engaging cylinder
or travelling with cylinder still engaged ?
Transire vinus forticulus
Mine is disengaged the minute I finish cooking - just the same as the gas bottle is turned off on a larger BBQ.
Something like this.
Remember to always log on before heading offshore.
i bought a twin burner($29) and a dozen canisters($4.50 for 4) from kmart a couple of days ago. i was expecting to have been taken off the shelves, so was pleasantly surprised!
"Non-compliance with Australian standards has resulted in approvals for a number of models being suspended or cancelled."
They have a list of models that have had approvals suspended or cancelled but no list of ones that have never had approval but they know have been sold.
Stockhorse, just because something was sold does not mean it was compliant at the time. A lot of companies were selling them without doing research and as such were selling non-compliant gas vessels. Butane cooker or BBQ cooker, if it's non compliant and it's sold, then you're within your rights to request a refund with proof of purchase.
Attachment 107987
The photo used in the original link is in a lab AFTER the incident. The lid has obviously just been put on because it fits that way for the purpose of a photo.