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Thread: BillaBONG Barra?!?!

  1. #1

    BillaBONG Barra?!?!

    Is this what you would call a BillaBONG Barra.. Pulled from the weed perhaps?

    Queensland angler caught out by photo of unconventional fishing equipment in local paper

    • 6 hours ago February 22, 2015 2:33PM

    A lucky Queensland angler shows off his 118cm barramundi caught on Lake Tinaroo. Of course, Territorians know that ‘bath tub barra’ don’t count. Source: Supplied

    WHEN a Queensland paper published a picture of a local bloke with a 118cm barra from Lake Tinaroo, they probably should have checked the background a bit more closely.

    As well as the normal sounder, lures and rods and reels, the lucky angler appears to have packed a slightly less conventional piece of fishing equipment.

    Could this quality barra catch have been helped by the use of some special technology? Source: Supplied

    Social media has been buzzing about the secret fishing weapon.
    We consulted a barramundi fishing expert, who suggested the mystery equipment could be used to simulate the sounds of schooling baitfish and attract predatory fish to the area.
    “Perhaps it makes a bubbling sound which simulates schooling baitfish,” he said.
    “This would in turn attract larger predators like big barra to the area.”

  2. #2

    Re: BillaBONG Barra?!?!

    Cream of the CROP!

  3. #3

    Re: BillaBONG Barra?!?!

    Haha good old stoners at it again.

  4. #4

    Re: BillaBONG Barra?!?!

    What a great idea, an orchy bottle with a handle, much easier to hold in rough weather.

  5. #5

    Re: BillaBONG Barra?!?!

    That implement, much like the ones at the local tobacconist, is for the smoking of legal tobacco products only.

  6. #6

    Re: BillaBONG Barra?!?!

    Quote Originally Posted by scottar View Post
    That implement, much like the ones at the local tobacconist, is for the smoking of legal tobacco products only.
    Yep nothing like a good compression session on tobacco lol

  7. #7

    Re: BillaBONG Barra?!?!

    A little off topic but, what does the tattoo across his chest say?

  8. #8

    Re: BillaBONG Barra?!?!

    So who was the sharp eyed stoner who spotted that in the photo in the first place?
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