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Thread: NSW Female Mudcrabs...

  1. #1

    NSW Female Mudcrabs...


    So I'm on holiday's down at Wooli (from brisbane) and caught a bunch of muddies in the pots. Now I know the law states you can take jennys as long as they're not berried up.

    However, I took a jenny home and cracked her open to find eggs. There were none on the outside of her at all.

    What does one do in this situation ? Should I just throw the crab back, albeit dead.. Or is it reasonable to still eat her ?

    I'm just chasing clarification here for future reference.


  2. #2

    Re: NSW Female Mudcrabs...

    Don't think it will have any bearing on the taste so might as well eat it.Can always turf it if it taste like shit.

  3. #3

    Re: NSW Female Mudcrabs...

    Wash em off and scoff her down haha.

  4. #4

    Re: NSW Female Mudcrabs...

    Don't waste the eggs - they're delicious (cooked of course)! Nothing illegal about it provided there's no eggs carried on the underside of the crab when caught.

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