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Thread: Home Aquarium

  1. #1

    Home Aquarium

    Wasn't sure where to put this but thought I would ask.
    I know a lot of you guys would have aquariums at home, so might have a decent idea where to get one.
    My kids have decided to pool their Christmas and Birthday money to get an aquarium.
    I am looking for a 3-4 foot setup less then $500 (stand, hood, lighting, heater etc).
    Spent yesterday running all around pet shops and looking at various setups. Found a great one, was a 200L tank on stand with everything needed for just on $500. Only thing was it was heavily discounted and the last one, while we were looking at fish some guy bought it...... same as this one, but cupboard underneath included.
    I am sure there are factory outlets or some places better then the large chain petshops, just really hard to find them. Does anyone have any ideas? We went to a couple of specialist places, but the prices there were insane.
    It doesn't need to be anything special, not going into the exotic fish, just need something pretty basic.
    I only ask because someone on here hooked me up with an esky from the factory at Caloundra for about 1/2 price, figured it can't hurt to ask.
    Oh yeah, in Brissie.



  2. #2

    Re: Home Aquarium
    Aquariums r us at loganlea are worth a look for sure.

  3. #3

    Re: Home Aquarium

    My first suggestion is to decide what fish you want to keep. cold water (gold fish) tropical (need a heater ) or if you want to go marine fish,(set up slightly more expensive but, low maintenance these days, and some exotic looking fish available)

    Let us know what you decide and I'll see what I can do for you.

  4. #4

    Re: Home Aquarium

    The kids were looking for some pretty basic fish. They like Angel Fish, so maybe a couple of them, a couple of catfish to keep it clean and a few Rainbow Sharks....
    Other then that I don't know a lot about them, just going off what the lady in the shop suggested and what the kids said they like. Probably the hardier types I reckon......
    Definitely not going with a Marine setup.

  5. #5

    Re: Home Aquarium

    Was looking at that one yesterday online. Thought I might have a look in the Wooloowin store (closer to home) and see what they have. Not a bad 4ft setup for $375.

  6. #6

    Re: Home Aquarium

    AquariumsRus have the cheapest tanks around but you get what you pay for with them.
    The best place to get a tank and all the accessories that you need is Age Of Aquariums at Browns Plains.
    Talk to Ben or Donny there and you will get all the advice you need.

  7. #7

    Re: Home Aquarium

    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie123 View Post
    AquariumsRus have the cheapest tanks around but you get what you pay for with them.
    The best place to get a tank and all the accessories that you need is Age Of Aquariums at Browns Plains.
    Talk to Ben or Donny there and you will get all the advice you need.
    Cheers mate, will check them out.

  8. #8

    Re: Home Aquarium brought a 6ft from them awhile ago for about 600ish, great and all if u wanna go brand new i suppose, but there tons more 2nd hand cheap one on gumtree... brought another 6ft for 300ish

    i do suggest u do a bio filter first before adding fish or your gonna enjoy death rate my first mistake lol so you'll most have an empty tank for 2wks or so
    but do decide if u want marine or freshwater... do keep mind the upcost isnt cheap pending on what your getting it might cost u more then u
    bargain for...

    i went a marine and freshwater, i got about 20 bass in my fresh tank with 5 red claw eating pallets, and with my marine i got myself a nice queenfish 6cm and GT 8cm been feeding them chicken... couldnt be bother gettin a normal marine fish lol

  9. #9

    Re: Home Aquarium

    Mate I can do you a 4 footer, filter and heater and gravel, NO STAND, for $200.00 Ill chuck in some rocks too. And don't put red tail black sharks in with angels the RTB are I bit boisterous where the angles are pretty peaceful. any of the tetra family and live bearers are the go with angels.


  10. #10

    Re: Home Aquarium

    I've used Aquariumsrus tanks before and they are a good value option.

    Just a heads up - There is no such thing as a fish that 'Cleans your tank' -that's your job Some might keep algae down, but still poo like machines! If you want something to genuinely keep things clean you need plants... which is a whole other kettle of fish. Head over to and learn more than you ever though possible about fish tanks!

    Angels are beautiful ps. Heaps of personality, I've always loved them.

  11. #11

    Re: Home Aquarium

    Here's another recommendation for Aquariums are us. I bought a 4 foot on a stand with predrilled holes for sump connections, and I have had it set up as a reef tank (marine fish and live coral) for many years. The price was good, and I have had zero problems with it. I now have a lovely showpiece in the living room, brightly coloured marine fish and coral actually growing and spreading throughout the tank.

    About catfish, they are bottom feeders, and so eat food that falls to the bottom, hence the do 'clean' the tank a bit. Some eat algae and that helps keep the glass, plants and rocks clean. One variety is the best for algae eating, and that's known as the siamese algae eater These guys will eat types of algae that nothing else will touch.

  12. #12

    Re: Home Aquarium

    just get a filter with UV on it or add a hydro filter to keep it clean... u still need to add new water once a mth or so pending how over load it is ... if u end up having claws.. dont by all means feed them grapes lol they love it but the mess the filters

  13. #13

    Re: Home Aquarium

    Thanks guys, much to think about...... Tough when the Mrs changes her mind every 10 minutes though.....
    Will let you know how I go.


  14. #14

    Re: Home Aquarium

    Slight Hijack but has anyone shipped a tank cheaply and easily? I have a 3 ft sump tank from an old marine set up here in Brisbane that my BIL would like for his marine tank in Townsville. Any leads would be appreciated.

    Cheers Matt

  15. #15

    Re: Home Aquarium

    fish tank are normally a NO go for shipping, very hard to get insurance on thoses and it cheaper buying on local however if your nuts like afew i know... if u pack the tank in a secure plastic foam from top to bottom in a box... and attach it on a fruit pallet (1ton) at the brissy market and use blenners transport cost about 185 from brissy to cairns or fedex dose them for 75$ anywhere

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