hi guys
im not really a mercury fan but been reading a bit about there new 4 stroke range and been reading very good things about them.
in particular the 150 hp sze. but mercury are a bit different and offer 2 very different 4 strokes in the 150 size. the standard 150 and the verado.
I know the verado is supercharged but its the heavier of the two but has a much smaller engine at only 1.7 litres where the standard 150 is quite lighter but has biggest out of all 150s at 3 litres.
anyone know how these two would compare ? obviously the supercharger adds weight and power but how is the torque ? id imagine the 3 litre standard model would have great torque?
anyone with more knowledge then me care to comment?
and what is the best 4 stroke 150 on the market? and why
any pros and cons would be appreciated.