The real Andy
Sorry but there can a difference in fuels with the same octane rating. Some fuels are more denser (Specific Gravity) than others at the same octane rating
One of the problems with a high density fuel on a motor without a exhaust 02 sensor is they do not burn the fuel completely
With Sensors they run leaner and use less fuel and run far more advanced ignition hence use less fuel.
One of the reasons In Grand prix Motor Racing they control the fuel is that they can make it a even field as stated getting a denser velocity fuel
you can gain power. F1 went nuts on this years ago and it had to come under control .
One way to check is taste it and the denser Fuel is sweeter. (Just Joking do not try this at home)
Right on with the fresher the fuel the better and also there is less choice now days with fuel supply options