G'day guys, so i am sixteen this year and all i have wanted to do my entire life is be a fisherman. I live and breathe it, for my sixteenth i am going on a shark fishing charter, i recently purchased a 250$ tackle bag from New Zealand, i get up at 3:30 most mornings to get a fish in before school and i even went to the effort of making my bike with three rod holder on the back of it, plus two improvised versions on the side so i can lay the bike down and have the rods standing. It really isn't a secret, i am entirely obsessed. I find it hard to get motivated for school because i am sitting in class learning integers, poems and quadratic formula thinking 'If i fake a siccy i could still catch the high tide and have a run of bullies'. I currently film amateur documentaries which go for twenty minutes, and i run a small you tube channel and face book page. So my question is do you guys have any tips on how to get more popular, or how to begin the process of teeing up a career in fishing? I currently don't have a license but will have my learners in a few months, so the fishing i can do is somewhat restricted. How do i go about pursuing my dream from here? Are there TAFE courses which have helped others, is Marine Biology the go at Uni? What do i do?
If anyone is interested, this is the channel i run. Please check it out, and if you like it please subscribe or share it around. Any information or advice is greatly appreciated.