Well, after a very big night last night, finaly got my shit together to go and get the pots after a overnight soak, its mid morning. Cruising down the highway to ballina feeling rather worse for wear when I pass a highway patrol car on the shoulder with the radar gun out. All good, sittin on 90km, when I think to myself glad i didnt do a early run after all the beers I had last night, when next thing he is on my tail all lights blasing...
I pull over thinking whats goin on here. He asked is it my boat I was towing to which I said yes, he then proceeded to tell me my rego is not current, coming up canceled and has been since 2010, wtf.........
He walks off to do some more ckecks, Calls me out of my car and shows me on his computer, he is correct, no rego!
At this point i am just standing there trying to figure this out as wife said she has paid it for sure but i cant prove nothing roadside. He knows it is a genuine stuff up some where, not intentional but proceeds to write me up.........$632 double fines..............He wont budge, says that he legally should have me unhook the boat and have me tow it away on a truck. I am literally 1km from boat ramp and he instruct s me to turn around and go straight home. Now this was a problem, I explain to him that I have to go and get the crab pots, I am not even a km away, no, wouldnt play the game, then pulls out the breatho, #% $/ . First go he is not real happy, I am thinking its 10am, surely I am right here but apparenty not, asks when my last drink was and about midnight was the answer. Gets me to take a second go and I am shi%% ing bricks right now.........gives me a shake of the head and says I am that close to over the limit its ridiculous, but I am just under by a bees willy!
Hands me the ticket, tells me to get proof of rego and contest the ticket and blasts off....Happy Aust Day to you to i thought. So, here i am, sitting in the car, kids wondering what the go with all that was, only 900m from boat ramp and my crab pots waiting for me, hangover gettin worse by the minute. What do i do, do as he says and go straight home or take a punt, go get the pots and hope like christ he is not waiting for me back up the road or at the ramp.......................
So i hope the missus like her $600 crabs, about $120 each this morning, and a bloody good lesson about thinking when your right to drive..........