What sort of Jellyfish do you think this is?
Not sure but I would say a hurty one.
Seen heaps of them offshore when out in my kayak up there. They look very much irukanji-ish in the water, just a little bit scary.
That's a bucket jellyfish. Hard blue almost plastic looking outer, usually bucket shaped with watery middle. Can have holes in them.
It could be a mega sized jelly shot.
Saw quite a few in the GC Broadwater a few weeks back
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Irukandji are tiny, generally less than 10-20mm across and almost completely transparent, a few years ago to I spoke to a guy at Magnetic Island (Horseshoe Bay) who was netting for them to check if it was safe to open the beach and he had caught one in his net, put it into a glass of water for me and I was really struggling to see it inside the glass, I could barely make out it's outline. There is no way you would notice one in the water.
Seems there are a few species which get referred to as "Irukanji", the common trait is that the sting from these animals triggers 'Irukanji Syndrome' in the victims.
Looks like our local one is huge compared to the ones up north!!