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Seaplanes on the Maroochy River
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Thread: Seaplanes on the Maroochy River

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Seaplanes on the Maroochy River

    Personally I don't think the river is big enough with the amount of boat traffic.
    Keep your heads down cause the council have just approved seaplanes landing on the river.

  2. #2

    Re: Seaplanes on the Maroochy River

    Doesn't the Council's authority finish at high water mark?

  3. #3

    Re: Seaplanes on the Maroochy River

    Who has right of way?

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Jan 2008

    Re: Seaplanes on the Maroochy River

    Now thats very interesting ive seen a few up at princes charlet bay in the owen passage and they need to take off into the wind i think so the landing and take off would change on the wind direction.

    And Astro66 ill give way to a spinning prop every time,but i think you will find that you will have to give way as the sea plane would have restricion in its ability to maneuver.

  5. #5

    Re: Seaplanes on the Maroochy River

    I saw a seaplane driving through the cod hole on the weekend. Must have landed on the western side of the bridge.Boats, jet skis, paddlers...busy time of year for the river. I still don't reckon it's a good thing.
    Anyone know where they are loading their passengers from?

  6. #6

    Re: Seaplanes on the Maroochy River

    Just up from swan boat hire towards the ramp....
    i had him taxi along behind me up to the bridge....pulled up to anchor and he was waving me to get out of his way so i give him the go around dichead finger.....the he took off from under the bridge towards the ramp but as he got to the corner a hire pontoon boat come around so he swerved to starboard and there was two more pontoon boats and he took off over there heads....dangerous much?.....the thing is noisy as...sprays water everywere...
    waiting for the crash.....

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Jun 2008

    Re: Seaplanes on the Maroochy River

    i wonder who has right of way between him and the young kids in sailing boats around chambers island. definitely not the right river for that vessel. maybe caloundra would have been a better choice.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Jan 2008

    Re: Seaplanes on the Maroochy River

    Just start reporting it to the avaiation authorities on what your seeing happen.

  9. #9

    Re: Seaplanes on the Maroochy River

    have a quick read of the rules.... it is pretty simple really.

  10. #10

    Re: Seaplanes on the Maroochy River

    seaplanes have to obey the maritime rules like everyone else. they also need to operate in an area that conforms within the dimensions of an ALA (authorized landing area). this would have been submitted to CASA to get their air operators certificate approved for charter at that location if they are a commercial operation giving joyrides/sightseeing and if they had council approval to operate, then this would be the case. I would guess that Council would have conducted impact studies prior to giving their approval. A little bit of mutual respect between waterway users and understanding of each others requirements would enhance safety... As for spray and noise, couldn't be any worse than PWCs

  11. #11

    Re: Seaplanes on the Maroochy River

    Quote Originally Posted by kizza1 View Post
    maybe caloundra would have been a better choice.
    Why would Caloundra be any different? (other than it's somewhere else) there is a million fishermen/jetskiers/boats/kayaks/swimmers/small yachts there as well.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Seaplanes on the Maroochy River

    caloundra would be better because you have from diamond head to the w's which has miles more room than from the motorway bridge to chambers island.

  13. #13

    Re: Seaplanes on the Maroochy River

    Quote Originally Posted by kizza1 View Post
    caloundra would be better because you have from diamond head to the w's which has miles more room than from the motorway bridge to chambers island.
    Awesome, we are finally getting rid of the training helicopters only to replace them with sea planes?

    I think the question is more a case of why would we need them and why the council even thought that they could coexist in these particular waterways, I would have thought that for a commercial operation that CASA,the Dept of Transport, EPA, and Parks and Wildlife would have been involved in the decision as a minimum. I also thought that the council would probably only initially allow for a trial period to allow for environmental and community impact studies to be monitored. Wouldn't marine charts also need to be updated to include seaplane lanes.

    I quite happily coexisted with sea planes off South Straddie near Tipplers where they had a designated area that was off the main channel, was quite wide and the noise was not a factor. There were quite a few times when idiot boaties or those with no knowledge of the area they were straying into and would cause havoc but generally no one was against them.

  14. #14

    Re: Seaplanes on the Maroochy River

    I had an experience in the past year with a sea plane landing in front of me just at the mouth of Ningi Creek into the Pumicestone Passage. I was exiting the creek, and he came in from behind and landed about 100m in front of me, I never had any idea he was there until he was over the top of me. Scared the living hell out of me. Thankfully I've only ever seen it once, and with the boating traffic in the passage god I hope it's not going to become a regular thing in this part of the world.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member gruntahunta's Avatar
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    Re: Seaplanes on the Maroochy River

    It is only a trial at present so now would be the time to complain and report any incidents. I personally believe the river is not wide enough and too many slow moving vessels use this area. Lots of sailing boats, rowers and non experienced boat hire people.

    Gotta Love Maroochydore.

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