the weather tomorrow is a problem. seabreeze said all day 2- 3knts in the morning now its 13knts what the hell
the weather tomorrow is a problem. seabreeze said all day 2- 3knts in the morning now its 13knts what the hell
Perfect conditions over to Tanga's this am, one of the worst trips ever back, like coming into a 35 kilometre long bar. With the family on board had to really focus and work the throttle even then fell into a few holes.
Hot sticky and stinking oppressive would be the best description for me on the water today at Baroon Pocket Dam. Was looking out for that rumored breeze, never came! Looking at the BOM observations page, 35 degrees zero wind and 75% humidity!
Only one way to be 100% sure of the wind............... go to the ramp, if its good go, if its too windy go least you'll know if its windy or not
The only forecast I relay take note of now days
Spot on LP. Went outside the bar 17/01/15 and as LP said light and variable in the morning but the wind came on about 11ish.