Oh his helm may well have been manned - Schetino style
Oh his helm may well have been manned - Schetino style
Ag least he wasn't the first one to abandon ship
Skipper too busy showing the cook the golden rivet
nil carborundum illegitimi
Or having the hosty run the flag up the pole.
any further developments on this one? I would of thought that if there was a mechanical failure, that would of been the first thing the skipper brought up. But to say a Rogue Wave pushed him, compared to the conditions, something deff not right me thinks.
It will now be in the hands of Maritime Safety. Won't hear much until they release a report.
Remember to always log on before heading offshore.
If you look carefully in the top photo you can see the skipper tossing a empty Bundy rum bottle into the sea in one hand and in the other he is sucking on his hoochy weed.
Bundy on the rocks, was it a bottle or a big tin can !!!!